] future mrs.G [

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YJ verse where you're on the team but you don't really get along with Dick for whatever reason until Bart comes from the future and only knows you as Mrs.Grayson + Saw the "Bart knows the Reader as the future Mrs. Grayson" and I raise you Bart knows the reader as the future Mrs. Todd but cannot say a goddamn thing until Jay shows back up again. Optional: the reader from the Dick fic (*snorts*) and the reader from the Jay fic are besties. Not necessary but adds another element, no? + IF YOU SEE GOTHAM do you remember that episode where Dick parents appeared and also were fighting and couldn't bear each other until jim made their families rebound and at the end were both cutie pies in love and went to thank Detective Gordon? I just remembered for the Bart thing like : Mrs. Grayson? Gordon: oh yes you remind me of your parents kid, lmao.

A/N: This is a combination of a bunch of prompts because a ton of people asked for a fic where Bart comes from the future and knows shit. I figured it would all fit nicely together!


"UGH! You're such an ass!" You shouted, pushing against Dick's chest. He didn't even wobble from the impact which only frustrated you more.

"You want to talk about it sweetheart?" He asked condescendingly.

You – You UGH! My mission? Really??? You gave the mission that I've been working on for a year to fucking Lagoon Boy? You know Dick you typically take a girl out on a date before you fuck her over!" You seethed. He appeared infuriatingly calm in the face of your anger.

"Lagoon Boy's skills were more suited to the mi-"

"I don't give a flying fuck why you chose him. That was my case. You had no right." You said accentuating your anger with sharp pokes to his chest.

"I had every right. I'm serving as team leader while Kaldur is home visiting Atlantis. That means I'm calling the shots and I say you're off the mission. Get over it or go home." He replied firmly, his mouth set in a hard line as you glared up at him. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife.

"You keep pushing this and I'm going to make your life a living hell Dick Grayson. I will not be sidelined." You hissed.

"Is that a threat?" He asked, his eyes narrowing at you. You didn't even flinch at his intense glare.

"It's a fucking promise." You swore before turning on your heel and storming off.

"I can't believe him Red! He's such a fucking ass!" You complained to your best friend. The two of you were sitting in the near abandoned grotto where all the tributes to the fallen are stored. This was usually a fairly private place since no one really liked to remember just how dangerous this job was. Red would know, her first love and boyfriend had his own hologram down here. You had offered to meet in a different place for her sake but she insisted that Jay would have wanted us to meet where we had always met. Jason was your friend too but it was hard to see your friend be so torn up over his death.

"Didn't you have a crush on him?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"When we were kids sure but I'd never be with him now. Not in a million years. I have standards Red, standards that include not being the most infuriating person to walk on Earth." You swore.

"It sounds like to me you're just frustrated that he won't roll over and give you whatever you want at the drop of the hat." She shrugged.

"I'm angry that he won't let me work on the case that I've been working on for a year!" You cried. You worked yourself to the bone to get to where you were in the case and to have him step in and just hand it over to another team member to finish, it pissed you off more than anything.

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