Neville x reader ~ never ask

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Requested by: SlytherinQueen_07


Neville headed towards the greenhouses. He always got super nervous but he knew it was worth it.

He turned around the corner and saw you there. You were already working on something in the greenhouse.

He watched you. The concentrated look on your face. Your bright smile. The way you handled the plant. You were perfect.

He took a deep breath before heading inside.

'Y/N, hey.'

You looked up. Neville had been such a good friend. You met him in first years when you got paired for herbology. Turned out you and Neville both liked it a lot.

'Hey Neville! I was already wondering where you were. Hope you don't mind I started already.'

'Of course not.'

He put down his stuff and joined you. You were practising the defanging of Vampiric Vagitation. Something you both struggled with a little during class.

'Sorry I'm late.'

'No worries.' You smiled. 'I won't hate you now. I knew you had class.'

You passed him one of the plants. He grabbed it and held it out infront of him. He took a good look at it.

You both practised and started to help each other. You always had the most fun with him. He was such a special guy.

You helped him when he didnt get it. I mean it was difficult so you helped him where you could. Neville shared all his interesting plant facts in return.

'Twist it a little.' You said.

Neville tried to. You grinned and grabbed his hand. You showed him how to twist it. Before he knew it he took out the fang.

'You did it!' You smiled.

Neville gently put it down with a massive smile.

'Thank you, Y/N.'

'You deserve a break.'

You cleaned up for a bit and decided to sit down in a field close to the greenhouses. It was nice to sit down for a moment. Neville looked at you.

'We should do this more often.' You smiled. 'Practising together is more fun than practising alone.'

Neville really liked to hear that. Of course he wanted that. You looked at him and smiled.

'Y-Yes I agree.' He said. 'There is lots more we can practise with.'

You were both a little awkward around each other. Neville really wanted to ask you out but he had no idea how to.

'I still really like that we got paired. Not everyone is that patient with me.' Neville sighed.

You always felt bad that no one wanted to work with him. You didn't get it. He wasn't even that bad. His love for herbology was amazing. He knew so much, he just needed some help with the practical work. Even there he wasn't a slow learner.

'You're great to work with. Your knowledge is incredible. The rest can be learned. I'm sure we will do great on our upcoming project.' You smiled.

Neville smiled thankfully. He was happy that someone finally didn't mind working with him.


'Yeah?' You asked.

Neville wanted to say something but seemed to rethink his decision.


You frowned.

'No tell me.' You grinned.

Neville sighed. He really didn't want to say it anymore.

'Please?' You asked.

He stared at the grass.

'I.. I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out outside of school setting.'

Was he asking you out. Was this it? Was it finally happening? Your felt yourself getting red, your heart beating fast.

'Are you asking me out.'


As soon as he said that you flew around his neck and landed on top of him while hugging him tightly. Neville laughed.

'I thought you'd never ask.'

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now