Your name is Y/N Lupin
Requested by: newtsnifflxr
The timeline might be a little off, but just go with it for the sake of this oneshot. Like I'm aware that the time line is off. Have fun!
You looked around the potions classroom. Your brother and his friends were sitting in front and behind you. Remus, James, Peter and Sirius. They always wanted to be near you, in case something happened.
You never got why they were so overly protective of you. It was just Hogwarts. The seat besides you was empty.
Potions, not your favourite subject. You were okay at it but you just didnt like it. It was hard to find a partner with them constantly watching.
'Is it okay if I sit here?'
You looked up. It was Sirius' younger brother, Regulus. You smiled at him.
'Of course.'
Regulus said down besides you. The eyes of the other boys were on his right away.
'Hi guys.' He said a little uncomfortable.
You kicked Remus chair and shot him a look. He sat up straight again. The teach was about to get started at that point.
You made some notes on the recipe you were going to make today. You did prepare before class so you hoped it was going to go smoothly.
'Can I borrow that?' Regulus asked.
You looked at him. He was pointing at the parchment on which you wrote the recipe. You added some notes on it before class. You nodded and he looked at it.
'We will use yours, okay?' He asked.
'Okay, sure.' You grinned.
After the teacher finished you could finally get started. You wanted to get up to go to the ingredient cabinet.
'No, stay. I'll get them.'
Regulus already sprinted to the front. You sat down with a small smile. You weren't used to this. You decided to just read the first few steps so you could get started right away.
Regulus walked back to the table and put down everything you needed. You looked at him and grabbed the first bottle.
'Alright, let's go.' You smiled.
Regulus pushed you to the side a little. You were blocking the entire cauldron.
'Sorry.. I'm not used to working with someone.' You admitted.
'That's fine.' He grinned. 'I'll teach you.'
You put the first ingredient in and Regulus stirred right away.
'See, it goes twice as fast.'
You and Regulus spend the entire class just working casually and talking. You cant believe you had never taken the time to talk to him. You had a lot of fun.
'Next class again?' Regulus asked at the end.
You smiled and nodded.
The longer you worked with Regulus the more fun he became. From friends it quickly went to.. you liking him more than that.
It mostly came because you two spend a lot of time studying potions together. When your friends and brother weren't around you actually had someone to hang out with now.
'Hey Y/N.'
You turned around and saw Regulus. It was odd for him to approach you when you were around your friends.
'Oh hey Regulus.' You smiled right away.
Of course you couldn't help but smile.
'Can I talk to you for a sec?'
'Anything you discuss with her you can discuss with us present.' Lupin said
'Guys. Please just let him talk to me. Theres no need to keep being like this.'
You walked towards Regulus who turned around but James and Peter blocked his path.
'Guys.' You hissed.
'Its fine Y/N.' Regulus sighed.
'No it's not they're driving me insane!'
Regulus grabbed your hand. You looked at him and blushed right away.
'I'll just tell you.' He said. 'Listen I.. I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime.'
You were a little shocked and so were the guys. Remus pulled your hand out of his. Sirius looked at his brother in disgust.
'You cant just date my best friends sister! That's disgusting!'
'You cant date my sister!' He hissed.
'I can decide that for myself!' You snapped at him. 'Yes Regulus. I'd love that.'
'Are you sure about this?'
Regulus turned to you and passed you a comforting smile. You and Regulus moved in together after Hogwarts. It took some time for Remus to accept that you were dating him. Sirius couldnt believe that Regulus was dating the sister of his best friend. You hadnt seen Sirius in awhile.
'I have to find this horcrux Y/N.. dont worry. I'll be fine.'
You hugged him tightly. Regulus smiled and held you tightly.
'I love you..' you said.
'I love you too.'
'Can we do one more thing before you go?' You asked.
You took Regulus to Sirius house. When they were little they always took care of each other. Right now you felt like Sirius had to know that he was going.
'This isnt a good idea.' Regulus sighed.
You didnt say anything and knocked on the door. Sirius appeared behind the door. He looked at you two.
'What a surprise..' he said. 'Its been awhile.'
'Regulus is going to hunt for one of Voldemorts horcruxes and I thought you should know because if something happens to him I dont want you both to regret what happened.' You blurted out.
'You're going to do what?!' Sirius asked.
'I have to do this!' He said.
The brothers looked at each other for a moment. You werent sure where this was going to go.
'Listen. You do what you have to do.. I just want to say that I'm sorry for not supporting you both. Y/N is right. I'll regret not saying that if you.. die.'
You stepped aside and Regulus stepped a little closer to Sirius. Sirius grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug..

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)
Fanfictionsame as book 1! A bunch of oneshot from your favourite Harry Potter characters. (No fantastic beasts characters) Make sure you check out book 1! requests are currently closed for catch up but they'll open soon! I'm so glad you guys liked the last p...