Harry x Sirius!daughter ~ It's fine

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Requested by: @-matarazzos

All the marauders are alive. So also James and Lily. Kinda an AU.


Harry smiled as he watched you walk into the kitchen. His eyes scanned your every move as you stopped to grab a drink.

'What?' You asked.

You and Harry had been dating for awhile but hadn't really told anyone yet. Your father didnt know and his parents didnt know either. Actually no one of their friend group knew.

There was a gathering right now at your house. Sirius, James, Lily, Remus, you and Harry had gathered together to share a laugh in these troubling times.

You and harry had always been close seeing your father was his godfather. Since you were kids you had always hung out and been the best of friends.. but after awhile it just evolved to so much more.

In these times where Harry was being chased by a noseless murderer, you grew closer and closer trying to figure out how to fight him. Until you became a little too close.

Not that you mind. You were still trying to figure out how to tell everyone. So you were trying to keep it a secret. You could hardly hug with him or anything.

'Nothing. You're just beautiful.'

'Oh that's it? Beautiful.' You said while walking over to him and wrapping your arms around his neck

'I was just trying to compliment you.' He smiled.

You softly pressed your lips against his and smiled after you pulled back. When you heard footsteps outside the kitchen door you quickly let him go and made your way back to your drink. No one came in.

Harry walked over to you and laid his hands on your shoulder. He slowly moved them down to your upper arms as he leaned in to your ear.

'If you're that scared we could just go upstairs for a second.' He smiled.

He let you go and walked away for you.

'You know. Just so we can hug. I haven't held you in ages.'

You smiled and shook your head. You took a long sip of your drink before putting it down.

'Sure.' You smiled.

Harry walked back into the room and so did you.

'Me and Harry are gonna head upstairs for a second.' You said while walking up the stairs.

'Alright. Be back in time for dinner.' Sirius smiled.

'Of course dad.'

You took Harry up to your room. It didnt take long for him to kiss you right after you closed the door. You smiled and kissing him back right away while wrapping your arms around him again. You pulled back with a massive smile.


'Hey.' He grinned.

He grabbed your hand and took you to your bed. He sat down against your wall which your bed was placed against. You climbed into the bed and wrapper yourself around him, holding him tight.

'This is what I miss most about Hogwarts.' You said. 'Just snuggling with you. I'm glad we are going to tell them tomorrow.'

Harry kissed the top of your head.

'Of course. It's about time they knew.'

You leaned up and pressed your lips against his.

Sirius had made his way upstairs to ask you to help set up the table for dinner.

'Y/N, Harry.. we need your help with-'

Sirius stopped talking right away as he saw you two making up on your bed.

'What?!' He said.

You pulled back and only then noticed him. You were so caught up in the moment that you hadnt heard him.

'Dad, please.'

'No it's fine. It's fine.'

'Dad we were going to tell you tomorrow.'

'How long has this like been a thing?'

'A few weeks.'

'That's fine. Okay. That's fine.'

Sirius turned around and wanted to close the door when all the others arrived and peeked in to see you two wrapped up in each others arms.

'Is everything okay?' Lily asked.

'Its fine. It's all fine.' Sirius said.

'It doesnt seem fine. What's up?' James asked.

'Y/N and Harry are dating. it's fine.' Sirius said.

Remus peeked inside.

'Awh.' he just said.

Sirius pushed through the crowd. Lily grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him back. He turned around.

'Arent you happy that she found someone?' Lily asked.

'Its fine. It's only been going on for a few weeks and she hasnt told me. It's fine.'

You felt horrible. You felt guilty for not telling him. That was a terrible mistake. You sighed and sat up.

'Maybe she wasnt ready, Sirius. Harry hasnt told us either.'

'She's my little girl. She tells me everything. She's my baby.. she.. its fine. Okay?'

'Sirius.' James sighed. 'I know it must be hard to see Y/N with a boy but she is still your daughter. If she was my daughter I'd rather see her date someone I already knew for ages than some new guy I dont know anything about.'

'He does have a point. Besides, purely because she didnt tell you doesnt mean she didnt want to. She just wasnt ready probably.' Remus said.

You got up and pushed through the crowd towards your father. He looked at you. You sighed.

'Dad, I'm sorry I didnt tell you. I didnt know how to. Can you forgive me?'

Sirius walked towards you and hugged you. You held him tightly.

'Yeah. Let's just go prepare dinner.'

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