Lucius x reader ~ what happened

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Lucius and Narcissa didnt work out in this oneshot. So they're divorced.


You walked out of the ministry of magic. You still couldnt believe you had to go there. You left your death eater life far behind you, yet you still had to get checked. It was about two years after the war.

Three years and yet you were still not fully being trusted. You only joined Voldemort because of your long family history. You were just glad it was over.

You were so caught up in your thoughts that you bumped into someone with your shoulder.

'Oh excuse me, I'm sorry.'

You turned around the face the person you bumped into. You almost couldnt believe it.. Lucius.. Lucius Malfoy. You hadnt seen him in three years. Ever since the war. He didnt go to jail? Why was he alone?

He still look as intimidating.. yet handsome as ever. His long light blonde hair, the suit, his eyes. Just like you remembered.

'Lucius.. hi.' You said while you slowly started smiling.

He looked at you and he slowly smiled back. He didnt do that often. It was nice to see.

'Well if it isnt Y/N Y/L. What a surprise.'

He did seem a little tired. You were wonding what had been going on is his life.

'Indeed.' You grinned.

'What brings you here?' He asked.

'Oh. The yearly check up. Seeing if I am still not as crazy as everyone who's locked up in azkaban.'

Lucius grinned a little. You were trying to move on with your life, yet the ministry forced you to keep looking back at the past.

'What about you?' You asked.

'The same as you. I was about to go home.'

'Oh well I was about to get a drink, would you like to join me? You know.. for old times sake.'

He seemed the hesitate for a moment.. but he then looked at you and smiled again.

'You know what, sure.'


You and Lucius each got a drink and sat down. It was a wonderful day so you could just sit outside.

'So what's new?' You asked. 'I expected you to be with Narcissa and Draco.' You said.

Lucius seemed a little awkward after you said that. He just looked at his cup for a second. He then looked up at you.

'Narcissa and I are divorced.' Lucius said.

Now you felt bad for saying that. Lucius could see that. You didnt know. You hadnt spoken to him in ages.

'Dont worry. You couldnt have known. We havent spoken in ages.' Lucius said.

'I just dont get what happened..' you said.

Lucius took a sip from his drink. He looked at you.

'Our relationship couldnt withstand the aftermath of the war. Even though I helped the ministry with capturing death eaters and I tried to show that I wanted things to be different. She just couldnt. Which I understand.'

'I'm so sorry.' you said.

'Its fine. I still live in my own house and Draco stays with me. It's all okay.' He said.

It was really hard after the war. No one could even look at you. You moved into a muggle neighbourhoud and tried to pick up your life again. Your boyfriend left you ages ago and now you were just trying to get back on your feet.

'Enough about me though. How have you been?'

'Well.. it's been though. I had to move away because no one trusted me. Everyone looked at me every day like I was going to kill them.' You sighed. 'Jake left me and now I'm just trying to get back to my own life.'

'I'm sorry that it ended that way.' Lucius said. 'You're always welcome if you need anything.'

You smiled and took a sip from your drink.

'Thats very kind. Thank you.'

You and Lucius spend the rest of your afternoon catching up. It was really nice. It had been awhile since you enjoyed company this much. You were about to say goodbye. You wished you had more time.

'Thank you for today.' You smiled. 'It was nice seeing you again.'

'I agree.' Lucius said. 'We should meet up more often.' He blurted out. 'If you want to of course.' He immediately added.

You smiled at him.

'I'd like that.'

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