Requested by: anonymous
'Get out of her, Mudblood.' Bellatrix spat at you.
The same everytime. You were a muggle born gryffindor. The pure blood Slytherins always made fun of you. Mostly Bellatrix and Lucius.
'I tried but when I walk away you wont let me.' You sighed.
Lucius played with his wand with a wicked smirk. It made you feel uncomfortable. He grabbed it and looked up at you.
'We would allow you but every time we call you a chicken, you come back.' He laughed.
You never did anything to them to deserve this. You were just born in a muggle family. Thats all you did.
They werent the only ones. There was one more person who annoyed you from time to time. Regulus. But he wasnt half has bad as they were.
'I'm not a chicken.' You sighed.
'I can change you into one.' Bellatrix smirked while pointing her wand at you.
You looked at her. You moved your hand into the pocket of your robes. You grabbed a hold of your wand.
'I dont think your magical abilities reach that far.' You grinned.
'How dare you!' She exclaimed.
She shot a spell at you. You quickly blocked it with your wand. Lucius shot the same spell at you, still trying to hit you. You blocked it too.
Before you knew it you were caught up in a 2 vs 1 duel. You were out numbered. You slowly moved back as you struggled to block all their spells.
Seeing you were alone, you couldnt really attack back. If you missed one block you would be a chicken. Literally.
'Stupefy!' Bellatrix hissed.
You flew back and hit your back against a tree. You felt down, a brench cutting open your leg. You gasped in pain as you quickly grapped your wand.
Bellatrix wand flew out of her hand. You got up and turned around. You saw Regulus. What was he doing here. Bellatrix and Lucius seemed to be equally surprised.
'What in wizards name are you doing?!' lucius asked.
'2 against 1 is a little unfair, dont you think?'
'You bully her all the time!' Bellatrix hissed while picking up her wand.
Regulus looked at you. He didnt really hate you. You didnt bully each other it was more like.. bickering. A lot. It entertained you both. It was your thing.
'Its called bickering not bullying.'
Lucius shot a spell at him which you blocked for him. Another due started but this time you werent out numbered.
You and Regulus actually worked together really well. Before you knew it Bellatrix en Lucius gave up.
'Is that all you got?' Regulus smirked.
They didnt answer and just walked away. Regulus turned to you and saw the wound on your leg.
'You should get that checked.'
'Its just a cut. Im fine.'
'Youre seriously going to bicker to me about this?' He asked with a grin.
He grabbed your arm and pulled you towards the castle.
'Let me go.' You sighed while pulling your arm back. 'I dont need help. I never needed your help in that duel either.'
Regulus rolled his eyes and continued walking. You followed him. He knew you couldnt resist bickering with him. That way he was going to take you to the hospital wing.
'It looked like you did. No problem.' He sighed.
'Only because a tree cut me doesnt mean I need help.'
'If I didnt stop Bellatrix she would've hexed you.'
Even though that was true, you would never tell him he was right.
'I could still use my wand.' You scoffed.
'Sure.' He snorted.
He walked you into the hospital wing. You looked around.
'You tricked me!' You hissed.
Regulus pushed you down on one of the beds. Madam Pomfrey approached you.
'What can I help you two with today?' She asked.
'She got cat during a duel. Thought she should get it checked.'
Madam pomfrey grabbed a cloth and wiped away your blood. She looked at your cut. She cleaned it with some water before healing it.
'There you go.' She smiled. 'Let me grab a bandaid to put over it to make sure it stays closed.' She reached for a bandaid and wrapped it around your leg.
'You can go now.' She smiled before walking away.
You looked at Regulus who sat down besides you. You looked at him.
'Thank you.'
He looked at you. He smiled sincerely.
'No problem.' He answered. 'I dont hate you.'
'I know. It's just that you didn't have to do this.'
'I know.' He smiled while looking away from you. 'You should go. Get yourself cleaned up.'
You got of the bed. You looked at him and gave him a kiss on his cheek before walking away.
You and Regulus had been bickering less. Way less. You even sat together during potions and actually had normal conversations. He was nicer than you expected. He was really cool. That fight was good.
'Hi.' You smiled as Regulus aproached you.
He leaned against the wall and looked at you.
'What's up?' You asked.
'I was thinking.. Hogsmeade is coming up.' He shrugged. 'Would you wanna go together?'
He looked at you. Was he asking you out? That was interesting.. were you even interested? Time to find out..?
'Uhm.. sure. Why not?' You grinned.
He seemed a little surprised.
'Oh nice. Well, I'll see you tomorrow then.'

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)
Fanfictionsame as book 1! A bunch of oneshot from your favourite Harry Potter characters. (No fantastic beasts characters) Make sure you check out book 1! requests are currently closed for catch up but they'll open soon! I'm so glad you guys liked the last p...