Ron x reader ~ with my best friend

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Requested by: SeaveysGrazer



You were still awake. You wish you could sleep. You hated sleeping in your own dorm. Usually you'd sleep with your boyfriend, Ron. You sighed and sat up.

Maybe you just had to go lay with him. It was quite cold in your bed all alone. It was snowing outside, some of your roommates snored.

You sighed and got up. You quietly walked out of your room. You made your way down the stairs and stopped for a moment.

On the couch You saw what seemed to be Hermione. Her shirt was on the floor and she was kissing someone..

You took a better look and saw Ron.. She was kissing Ron..?!

'Ron..?' You asked.

Hermione sat up and looked at you and so did Ron.

'Oh my god.' You said in shock.

Hermione quickly got up and grabbed her shirt from the floor.

'Y/N, it's not what you think!' Ron said right away.

'Not what I- so there is another explanation why Hermione is sitting on top of you without a shirt on and is kissing you?!' You choked. 'This is why you didn't want me to sleep in your room tonight.. with my best friend?! Seriously Ron?!'

You felt a tear run down your cheek. You wiped at away. Ron sat up and approached you. You stepped back on the stairs. You knew be couldn't come up there.

'Please Y/N, I didn't plan this. It's not what you think!'

'I can't believe I wasted all this time on you. God I fucking hate you.'

You turned around and hurried up the stairs.

'Y/N! Wait!' Ron yelled.

He waited but knew you weren't coming back.

'I told you this was a bad idea.' Ron said while looking at Hermione.

'You liked it, didn't you?' Hermione asked with a shrug.

'God why did I do this! I don't even like you Like this.. I love Y/N.'

'Maybe because she doesn't want to be freaky with you yet?' Hermione asked. 'I don't know. You shouldn't have kissed me back if you were going to regret it.'


You basically didn't sleep and didn't leave your room. You had to see Ron everywhere if you did. You had been crying off and on, you hated this. You couldn't believe be cheated on you.

When your roommates finally got you out of the room, something you had been avoiding happened right away. You were sitting on the couch in the common room.

Ron walked. He was happy to see that you got out of your room.. but he hated to see your red, poofy eyes. Knowing you had been crying because of him was painful.. but probably not as painful as what you were feeling.

Ron carefully walked into the common room. You turned you head and looked at him. You swore you felt a sting in your heard when you saw him. You got up and walked away right away.

'Y/N, please just wait!'

He hurried after you and grabbed your arm.

'Don't touch me.' You hissed while turning around and pulling your arm back.

'Please don't be like this. Can you just listen to me?'

'Don't be like this?! Those hands touched another girl. I don't want them to touch me.' You hissed.


'I am not your honey. Not anymore.' You snapped.

Ron saw the pain in your eyes. He felt so much guilt. He didn't even like Hermione.

'I just want to talk to you.'

'To do what? Explain it, probably blame it on me so I'll think it's my fault?!'

'No! No no no! Y/N, I don't even like Hermione. It just happened. She kissed me and-'

'She accidentally climbed on top of you, took of her shirt and kissed you again?!' You asked.

'No. No that's not what I was going to say!' Ron said. 'I know I hurt you. I know that this is something you can't immediately forgive me for.. but I love you Y/N! I never meant for this to happen. It shouldn't have happened.. but I can't lose you over some stupid mistake!'

'Why did it happen? Is she more beautiful than I am?! Is it because she's smarter, because she's apparently willing the give everything away right away?!' You choked. 'What did I do to deserve this? What if I never found out? What would've happened? Would you have continued? Have sex with her?'

You felt a tear roll down your cheek. You furiously wiped it away. You didn't even knew you still had tears in your body left.

'No, No, you're perfect Y/N. You're perfect just the way you are. You don't make me look stupid or like a completely idiot. You're perfect and I messed it up. I messed up. I would've stopped because I already felt guilty from the first moment. I love you. I love you so much. Let me prove that to you.'

You didn't say anything.

'I know you can't forgive me right away but let me prove to you that I love you. Please?'

It was quiet for a moment.

'I'll need time because I can't just forget this.' You said.

'I know. I know..'

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now