young!Remus x reader ~ excuse

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Requested by: @namithra (idk your new name, sorry)

Your James' twin and are in your 6the year



'No way. I knew it!' Sirius laughed.

You couldnt believe you just told him your biggest secret. Everyone would always joke about it. Probably because you and him were such good friends and super close. But of course they never expected it to actually be true.. or at least for you.

'Shh! Not too loud. He doesnt even know yet.'

You, Y/N Potter, James' twin, liked Remus Lupin. He was such a good friend of yours. He meant everything to you. You were a part of their little friend group. They always made fun of the connection that you and Remus had.

'Why dont you tell him?' Sirius asked.

'I dont know. He sees me as a little sister. He is my best friend. It's such a risk. I dont want to loose him.'

Sirius did get that.. but what you didnt know was that Remus had told Sirius many times about his crush on you.

'Why do you even like him? Remus isnt necessarily a.. casanova.' He grinned.

'He's just.. intelligent, kind, funny, super good looking and we have the same interests. Every time I see him I get so nervous.' You blushed.

Remus was in the distance. He actually wanted to come join you but stopped. He watched you two talk and laugh and the way you blushed. He couldnt understand what you were saying.

He just thought you were in love with Sirius and not him. That was the immediate conclusion. Remus sighed and turned around. Disappointment on his face. Sirius watch him leave. He already had a plan.


'What?' Remus asked Sirius again.

Sirius was trying to get you and Remus together. He had made an entire plan. All he had to was trick you and Remus into following him.

'Dragon dung. I swear to merlin. It must be from our Care of Magical Creatures teacher. He must've have hidden it there!'

It was the best Sirius (and the author) could come up with. (I thought it would be hilarious, dont judge me)

'Wouldnt that smell terribly if that was true? What were you even doing in the broomcloset?' You asked, filled with confusion.

Sirius literally ran into the library, got a ton of complaints from students trying to study because he was screaming your names, stopped by your table where you and Remus were studying and all he could say was 'dragon dung' because he was panting too much to even explain anything. You closed your book and stared at him with a blank expression.

'It is bewitched. I swear. Would I ever lie to you guys?'

'You're the most untrustworthy person I know.' Remus sighed.

'Than why do you come to me with your little secrets?' Sirius asked while raising his brows.

Remus sighed and looked at you before looking back at Sirius. That reason was so special and dumb. He couldnt be lying about it.

'Alright. Sure. Show us.' You said.

You both got up and started to follow Sirius. Sirius was feeling with joy and a little bit of surprise seeing that excuse actually worked.

Sirius led you to an almost abandoned corridor and opened the broom closet there. You and Remus both stared at him. Unsure of what to do.

'Go on.' He said.

You hesitated but walked inside. Sirius pushed Remus in after you before slamming the door shut.

'Sirius! There is nothing here!' You hissed.

You heard sirius mumbled something. Remus turned around and tried to open the closet. It didnt open.

'You know we have wands, right? Slughead.'

Sirius mumbled something again and opened the door a little bit. Remus tried to push through.

'Accio wands.' Both of your wands flew out the door before Sirius slammed it shut again and locked it. Remus furiously slammed his fist against the door.

'SIRIUS! WHAT THE HELL!' you yelled.


You heard Sirius laugh behind the door.

'This isnt funny!' You sighed.

'It is. I'll let you out if you tell your secret to Y/N, Remus.' Sirius grinned.

'What? What is he on about?' You asked him.

'I cant believe your screwing me over like this!' Remus hissed. 'I'm not saying it! I'm never saying it!'

You had no idea what this was about. Remus kept a secret from you..? But you told each other everything..

'Remus.. we tell each other everything.' You said. 'Theres not secret I dont know.. right?'

'You're wrong Y/N. Remus has a secret that he's keeping from you.' Sirius grinned.

'Shut up, Sirius.' Remus hissed.

'Trust me, Remus. You can trust me. I spoke to Y/N a lot recently. Itll be fine. Just tell her. I promise you, you wont regret it.'

Remus sighed and leaned against the door. He turned around to face you. You were staring at him in confusion.

'Y/N.. I..' Remus was silent for a moment. 'I like you. A lot. More than just friends.'

You stared at him in shock but soon smile. Your cheeks heated up as you blushed madly.

'Really? I like you too.'

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