Pucey x reader ~ struggle alone

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Hi kiraboe ! Congratulation on winning my discord art event! (Link in bio) here is your personalised oneshot! Love you!!

This oneshot contains mentions of self harm and anxiety. If you feel uncomfortable with any of these subjects, please continue to the next oneshot.



It was a few days before one of the most important days of your life. The O.W.L.s. You had been stressing about it for weeks, no sleep just studying. You'd occasionally pass out on your book only to be woken up by your roommates.

All the studying had you very sleep deprived, together with the stress you just couldnt take it anymore. You were on your breaking point. It was all a little too much so you decide to hurry to an abandoned corridor to take a moment to let it all out.

It had been building up for weeks. Your anxiety got worse with the day. When you werent studying you were just overthinking everything.

No one actually had class towards the corridor. So you it was a save spot for you to hide for a moment. You sat down against the wall. It felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest. You entire body was tensed, your hands were shaking. You laid your head back against the wall and tried to slow down your heart rate but all you could do was cry.

Pucey was accidentally heading towards the wrong side of the corridor. He was caught in his thoughts about the upcoming matches for Slytherin. He stopped and looked around.

He knew he was in the wrong place but what he was looking for were the cries he heard. He continued walking into the hallway and turned around the corner to see you sitting there.

He slowly approached you. You were so caught up in your anxiety attack that you didnt even notice him. Pucey crouched down infront of you. He observed you before doing anything. You didnt even seem to see him. His eyes got stuck on your wrist.

Pucey grabbed your arm. You looked up and locked eyes with him. Pucey saw the hurt and pain in your eyes right away. He felt your body shaking. His first response was to pull you into his arms.

You and pucey talked occasionally but nothing too special. He was very nice to you. You never expected him to help you though.

Pucey sat down besides you and moved a bit, while holding you. He gently laid your head on his lap so he could adjust himself.

'Hey it's okay.' He said while stroking your hair. (If possible).

You tried your best to calm down and slowly managed to. You felt Pucey grab your arm. He ran his thumb past your wrist.

'I didnt know you have a cat.'

'I dont.' You sniffed.

You pulled your arm back. You slowly set up. You felt a piercing pain in your head. You laid your head back and laid your hand on your head.

'What's wrong?' Pucey asked.

You shrugged.

'Talk. Itll make you feel better.'

You looked at him and took a deep breath.

'I'm a Y/N. My entire family is so talented. Especially in charms. They expect me to get nothing but outstanding.'

'From what I heard that's exactly what you get.' Pucey said.

You sighed.

'But at what cost? I havent slept properly in days. I pass out on my books. I'm in the library all day. If I dont study my anxiety takes the best of me and I do things I regret.'

You laid your head in his shoulder. Pucey ran his hand through your hair.

'Sounds like you lost yourself in your planning. You have to find the balance. Let me help you with that.'

You looked up at him.

'You'd do that for me?' You asked.

'Of course.' He smiled.

He let you go and got up. You looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back at you and offered you his hand. You grabbed it and he helped you up.

'You're going to your room and sleep. I'll say you're feeling sick.'

'What about my-'

'I'll share the notes with you. I promise.'

Pucey walked all the way to the slytherin common. You finally felt understood for the first time in your life. You stopped at the door while he walked to it.

'What?' He asked.

You hugged him. Pucey was surprised but smiled and hugged you back. He held you tightly against him in a warm hug.

'Thank you.'

'No problem. No one should struggle. Especially not alone.'

You let him go. You two look at each other before you headed towards the door. Before you went through you stopped and turned to him.

'I'll see you later.'

'Yes. Definitely. Sleep tight.'

You turned back. Pucey watched you leave and close the door behind you before he left.

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