Snape x Student!reader (no love!) ~ dad

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So this isnt going to be like an love xreader but more like a close relationship xreader so no warning about a studentxteacher love relationship here.

I also replaced McGonagall with Snape and tried to write it more like him so just go with it.

Requested by: Calypso1989


'I'm sure you'll do okay.' Snape said while putting away his books.

'I am really not looking forward to the yule ball, Severus.' you sighed.

'We are at Hogwarts, its professor here for you.'

'Theres no one here.' You grinned.

You and Severus had a really close relationship. After your father died he took a big part in taking care of you because your mother went away a lot. He was almost like a father to you.

'Still. Rules are rules. I thought you that.'

'Sorry, professor.'

More and more students started to come into the classroom. Everyone was coming back from their small break.

'Boys on the left, girls on the right.' Snape just said.

Everyone seemed confused but did what they were asked to do. You joined the girls on the side.

This was as a preparation for the yule ball. You couldnt dance that well but at least Snape was going to teach you.

When everyone was there Snape slammed the door shut. Everyone shut up right away. He walked to the centre of the group and moved his robes back while stopping.

'The yule ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since it's inception.' Snape spoke. 'On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity.'

Snape looked around. No one dared to speak. Everyone seemed a little.. afraid tho. You had never gathered with this many Slytherins before.

'As representatives of the hosts school we expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward...' Snape continued. 'And I mean this literally because the yule ball is first and foremost a dance.'

Everyone started talking. It went from "yes!" To "hell no!" It was funny. Snape looked at you and you shrugged. He sighed.

'Silence!' he hissed.

It was quiet right away. Snape always intimated everyone. But he was really sweet. At first Snape didnt even want to take care of you.. you knew that but he started to care for you although he never admitted that.

'The house of Salazar Slytherin has commanded the most powerful of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries.'

It was true.

'I will not have you in the cost of a single evening besmirching that name.'

Snape sighed and looked around.

'So I did not determain what I have to say to you all. All the heads of houses have joined together to do so. So you'll only hear me say this once in my life so pay close attention.' Snape spoke a little grumpy.

Everyone seemed to be very interested.

'Now to dance is to let the body... breathe. Inside every girl a swan of slumbers, longing to burst forth and take flight. Inside every boy a lordly lion prepared to prance.' Snape quickly spoke.

Clearly not his own words but he already said that. Snape turned to you and teach out his hand.

'Miss Y/L.' Snape spoke while walking towards you. 'Will you join me please?'

It was actually really sweet that he wanted to do that with you. You grabbed his hand and stopped infront of him.

'Now, pay close attention. Boys, hand on the waist, grab the hand on the other side. Girls, hand on shoulder.'

The music started playing. You let Snape guide you through the dance. It actually went really well.

'One, two, three.' Snape spoke leading you over the floor.

'Everybody come together. Boys on your feet!' Snape hissed.

Everyone slowly found a partner to dance with and started joining. It made you feel comfortable to practice with Snape.

After the practise you stayed for a bit. Everyone had already left the classroom.

'Thank you for teaching me.'

'I knew youd hate dancing with one of them.' He just said.

You smiled and walked towards the door.

'I'll see you later.' He spoke. 'Have a nice day.'

'Yes. You too, dad.'

Your eyes widened right away as you covered your mouth. Snape looked at you in shock.

'I'm so sorry, I-'

'Its okay.', he just said while a small rare smile. 'You go and enjoy your day, kid. Okay?'

You just nodded and left.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now