Bill x pregnant!reader ~ what's up

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Requested by: MrJokerCard



'Is it noticable?' You asked Bill at the front door of the burrow.

Bill look at you.

'I mean.. not really but my mum likes hugging..'

'This is too much. I can't.' You said.

You were 5 months pregnant with his child. You wore bagging clothes to try and hide it but it was nearly impossible. You had never met his parents before. You and Bill had been dating for awhile.. like 2 years but it just never happened because Bill and you moved far away... all though his family knew about you.

'You can! Dont worry. They'll love you. I promise.'

You took a deep breath before he knocked on the door. You held his hand tightly.

'I'll get it!' Ginny yelled.

'No dont worry, I'm already there.' Molly said while opening the door. 'Bill! Hi!' She smiled and she hugged him right away.

Yeah she did like hugging. This was a problem. You got more nervous every second.

'And you must be Y/N! So good to finally meet you! We heard so much about you.'

She came at you for a hug. You took a deep breath and leaned as far forwards as you could. Hoping she didnt feel it.. but of course she did. You could hardly tighten your own shoes.

She let you go and looked at Bill and then back at you. She didnt want to be rude. You saw her debating in her head.

'Are you..'

She stopped talking. Bill placed his hand on his mothers shoulder.

'You can ask her.' He smiled.

'Are you.. pregnant?' She asked.

'I am.. that's why Bill and I are here to meet you all. Im sorry I didn't earlier.'

'Are you serious? That does not matter at all! I cant believe im going to be a grandma!' She squealed.

'Mum can you just like. Keep it quiet for now. I first want her to meet everyone and then Ill tell them.'

'Yeah of course! Wait.. how far along are you?'

You moved your shirt up a little.

'5 months. Its a girl.' You smiled.

It was cute to see her light up. She always wanted to be a grandma. You lowered your shirt.

'Come on in! Do you want some tea?'

'Yeah sounds good.'

You and Bill walked inside.

'What was the comotion at the door?'

You saw arthur and Ginny walk into the room. They looked at you and at the happy face of Molly.

'Hey Bill. What a surprise!' Artur smiled. 'You must be Y/N, so nice to finally see you.'

You offered him your hand and he shook it. You then introduced yourself to Ginny while Arthur asked the rest to come downstairs. Within 5 minutes you met his three younger brothers too. You were sure you weren't going to remember who was Fred and whowas George.

Bill took you to his table and moved a chair back for you so you could sit down.

'Thank you.'

Bill had been taking great care of you since you were pregnant. As soon as you sat down you felt your baby kick for the first time. It startled you a little. Bill looked at you, just like the rest of the table.

You took a sip of your tea and tried to pretend like nothing was up. Bill sat down besides you. You grabbef his hand under the table and laid it on your belly. He felt it too. He looked at you and you smiled at him.

'What's up?' Arthur asked.

You two looked at him before you brought your gaze to the table.

'Oh nothing.' He said.

'I havent seen you thid happy since you got accepted to Hogwarts.' Arthur said.

Molly looked at Bill. She signed that he had to tell. He took a deep breath and looked at you.

'Y/N.. she's pregant. 5 months with a girl. She just kicked for the first time.'

'I wanna feel!' Ginny yelled while running over to you.

You grinned and grabbed her hand. You placed it on you. It took awhile before you felt her little foot again. Ginny smiled.

'Thats so cool.'

'Youre pregnant?' Arthur asked.

'Yeah.. that's why I told Bill we should make the journey here so I could meet you all. We are actually planning on moving a little closer here so you guys can be in her life as she grows up.' You smiled.

It was quiet for a moment. It scared you a little.

'That's amazing news.' Arthur smiled. 'Congrats.'

You smiled and looked at Bill. He pressed his lips against yours shortly.

'Well, tell us something about yourself Y/N.' Molly said while giving everyone some more tea.

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