Draco x reader ~ redemption

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Requested by: RavynOfDarkwood

Because it was a long request I spilt it up with timeskips. Its a long oneshot so be prepared.



'I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth.' You sighed while you swung your bag onto your bed.

It was your 7th year at Hogwarts. You were a slytherin and best friends with Thalia. You had always been. Even though you were a ravenclaw the concept of common rooms didn't really exist anymore. McGonagall was all about friendship and openess. You could stay with who ever you liked. So you decided to camp with your bestie in the dungeons.

A lot of people went back to Hogwarts after the war. Including Draco Malfoy. He just tried to talk to you. Saying he was trying to redeem himself and that he would want to have a talk with you.

You didn't believe a word he said. You didn't think Draco could change. He was the most horrible person at Hogwarts and now he suddenly wanted forgiveness.

'Totally true. He seems full of nonsense.' Thalia sighed.

Thalia jumped onto her bed and laid down. She sighed.

'He better leave you alone. Else I'll stupefy the living he'll out of him.' She sighed.

Thalia was a dueling champion. She would hurt anyone if it meant protecting you. Although something inside of you was curious. Did Draco change? In first year you used to have a little crush on him until you realised what an ass he was.

'No need.' You said.

You sat down on your bed. His words did something with you. You were all about second chances anf forgiving people but with him.. you had no idea if you could.

'I know what face. You're thinking. What are you thinking about.' Thalia asked.

'Why dont you talk to him? You don't hate him as much as I do. Do you think he changed?'

'You know what that doubt is?' Thalia asked. 'The little 11 year old girl that used to like him.'

You grabbed your pillow and threw it at her. Thalia wheezed and caught your pillow.

'Fine, I'll talk to him.'


'Of course she doesn't believe me.' Draco grinned.

Draco and Thalia were heading towards the common room together after class. She was talking to Draco, like she promised you.

'She is a skeptical person.' Draco said. 'We like that about her, dont we?'

Thalia was confused. We? Thalia had no idea that Draco even considered you as a nice person.

'We?' She asked.

Draco looked at her and then looked back ahead of him with a smile. Draco used to like you way back in the days. Life got in the way and sadness and pain took over him to a point where he didnt even feel anything else.

Now he had some time to reflect and some time to think about everything and old feelings started to resurface. You were probably the worst person he could like right now. He made you life difficult at times but he couldn't help it.

'Listen, she can doubt all she wants but why don't you tell that friend of yours to talk to me herself?' Draco asked. 'I'm human. I am perfectly capable of explaining myself. No offense but I'm not just going to tell everyone my life story.'

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now