Reqeusted by: Malfoytwin
So you're like really young. Like you can't talk yet young. You can walk but not talk yet. Harry took you to Hogwarts and seeing the Dumbledore is Dumbledore he approved.
You were marching through the great hall. Harry could never seem to keep you with him. You were way more interested in all the other students than sitting on a bench the entire time.
Harry was looking for you, although he probably knew where you were. Harry didn't want to leave you with his aunt and uncle so he took you to Hogwarts every year. Dumbledore approved so it was okay.
You had made your way to the slytherin table. You were always amazed by everything. You were a very curious child.
Harry was quite overprotective when it came to you. You liked hanging around Draco. His hair was shiny and he never pushed you away. If anything he thought you were cute.
You made your way to draco and sat reached up to the bench he was sitting on. You managed to bring out some noises. Draco looked down at you and smiled.
'Look who's back. It's Y/N.'
Draco picked you up and sat you down on his lap. You giggled a little while grabbing a piece of his robe.
'You're so good with children.' Pansy spoke with a dreamy voice while a few other slytherin girls stared at him too.
'She seems to like me.' Draco grinned. 'Especially when I say: pottah!'
You laughed when you heard that. To you it was hilarious. Draco reached towards your hands. You grabbed his with your tiny hands.
'Pottah!' He said while moving your arms up in the air.
You laughed even louder. Your cute laughs made him smile. He shouldn't like a potter but you were too cute to resist.
You started wiggling around in his lap. You didn't want to sit anymore. Draco turned you around and helped you stand up. You grabbed his hair and giggled. You tried to say something but no one could really understand you.
'You like that, don't you.' Draco laughed.
You started playing with it while draco made sure you kept your balance.
'Hey, no we're not pulling it.' Draco sit while making sure you sat back down.
You looked at him and reached up to his mouth. Draco pretended to bite your hand. You pulled it away and yet again your laughs were heard all throughout the great hall.
'I'll get you, you know I will.'
You moved your hand back and draco pretended to just miss you. You laughed again and when you wanted to do it again Harry took your attention away.
'Again?! What did I tell you Y/N.'
He picked you up and held you in his arm. You tried to protest but he wouldn't let you go.
'No Y/N. We don't hang out with Malfoy.'
'Relax. She came to me. I didn't kidnap her.'
'Just leave her alone.'
'Maybe you should keep her with you, Potter.' Draco sneered.
You giggled when he said potter. Draco grinned a little and shook his head.
'Well I'm leaving.'
Harry walked away with you. You started playing with his glasses. He sat down and put you down on his lap.
'You need to stop walking away.' Harry sighed. 'You know I love you but malfoy is not a nice guy.'
'Harry, calm down. She just wants to have a little fun.' Hermione said.
'Hawwy.' You said.
Harry looked at you. You were just sitting there, playing with your own tiny dress.
'Did she just..?' Harry asked.
'I mean she can't say the r properly but she said your name.'
Ron tapped on the table. You looked at him.
'Harry.' He said.
You smiled a little.
'Hawwy.' You said again.
Harry picked you up and turned you around.
'Did you just speak for the first time?' He asked you. 'Did you say my name? Did you say Harry?'
'Hawwy!' You squealed.
Harry laughed and hugged you. You didn't quite know what to do and just let him do what he wanted to do. It meant a lot to him that his name was the first thing you said.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)
Fanfictionsame as book 1! A bunch of oneshot from your favourite Harry Potter characters. (No fantastic beasts characters) Make sure you check out book 1! requests are currently closed for catch up but they'll open soon! I'm so glad you guys liked the last p...