young!Remus x reader ~ too far

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Remus was looking for you. He had to speak to you. It was getting out of hand.

Remus had a crush on you. His friends knew and now they were pranking you to get remus close to you. It was going too far. Almost every day they did something new.

From scary pop ups out of library books to you eating candy which made you end up in the hospital wing. It made him feel awful for you.

You were kinda sick of it too. You were constantly looking around to see the next prank. You let your friends taste your food first.. you were going insane.

Right now you weren't busy with it right now. You were at the lake with your friends. Friends of your friends also gather there. You were with a large group.

You were all just chatting and talking. It was amazing. Remus approached you and watched you smile. You invited him too, that's why he knew where you were. You waved at remus and he waved back at you.

'Remus.' He heard.

He turned his head and saw the others. He immediately started freaking out. What were they planning now? He quickly hurried over to them.

'What ever you're planning on doing, don't! You're going too far.'

'Mate you've been closer to her than ever.' James said.

'Yes because I've been talking to her more often. Seeing she had to let out how annoying she thinks you guys are! Seriously, don't embarrass her in front of all these people!'

'We're just giving you two something else to talk about.' Sirius said.

You turned your head and saw Remus talking to his other friends. Did he invite them over as well? You prayed he didn't. After everything you shared with him. You and Remus were rather close lately and you really liked him.

'Sirius, don't do this! I'll go talk to her and it'll be okay. Just don't. Please.'

'No you don't get it. We're helping you!' James said.

'You're not. You're making her feel miserable.'

'No wait, just do it Sirius.'

Sirius used a spell. Before you knew it you were blasted backwards. You fell partly into the lake. Your robes were soaking wet. It was quite cold outside so this was insane.

That wasn't it. The spell put something else into motion. A huge wave off water crashed over you. You coughed to try and get all the water out of your lungs.

You heard people laughing around you. They were laughing at you. You had never felt this embarrassed before. You got up and run away. Remus hurried after you and so did his friends. He stopped you.

'Don't touch me!' You hissed.

He saw tears in your eyes.

'Y/N, I-'

'No! I expected it from them but you?! Seriously?!'

'No you don't understand!'

'I could deal with the pop ups in my books, the constant visits to the hospital wing but embarrassing me around so many people.. what is wrong with you!'

Sirius, James and Peter didn't say a word.

'Y/N, please just li-'

'I thought you were different but you're just like them. Just leave me alone.' You choked.

You hurried away.

'No! Y/N!'

'Remus we're so-' James started.

'Just shut up.' He hissed before running after you.

The castle was quite busy. You didn't want anyone to see you like this so you hid in the girls bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You looked horrible. You just broke down crying.

Everything just came out. This pranking felt more like bullying to you.. and to think that Remus could ever do this to you. You thought he understood.

Remus didn't care. He stormed into the girl bathroom.

'Go away.' You hissed through your tears.

'Y/N, I need you to listen to me.' He said.

'Why would I! I told you how miserable i felt because of this and yet you go along with them.'

'No! No Y/N! I was trying to stop them!'

You looked at him through the mirror but didn't speak.

'You know I'd never do anything like this to you. I tried to stop them but they wouldn't listen. They're idiots.'

Remus stepped closer to you and you allowed him. That sounded more like the Remus you knew.

'God I'm so stupid.. I'm sorry.' You said.

Remus laid his hand on your shoulder. You turned around and he pulled you into a hug.

'Why do they hate me so badly?' You asked.

'They don't.' Remus said. 'It is my fault.. I told them something and they came up with this plan and I never wanted then to execute it but they did.'

'Plan?' You asked.

Remus didn't say anything. You let him go and stepped back a little so you could look at him.


'They wanted to prank you so we'd get closer. They took it too far. I told them many times to stop.'

'Why?' You just asked.

'Because I.. I kind off like you..' he said.

You looked at him.

'Do you mean you-'


Your slightly sad face now showed a positive smile.

'Well I'm lucky then.' You smiled.

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