Harry x reader ~ why | part 2

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Requested by: glossiebabe and aesthetiqss

I used your ideas together because I liked your suggestions the best. Thank you for everyone who suggested something! Sorry that I cant put them all together. Maybe next time! I still appreciate it!



Harry had been looking all over for you. He never meant for that conversation to go like that. He knew he should have given you a chance to talk. He didnt listen and it was stupid of him. Now he had no idea where you were.

Harry stopped. He saw you outside. You were heading towards Draco. You actually just arrived. Harry moved a little closer but out of sight.

'Hey.. what's wrong?' Draco asked as he saw the sadness on your face.

'Well I was trying to talk to Harry. About our friendship. He has been asking about it. I told you.' You sighed.

Draco just nodded. He laid his hand on your upper arm, sensing your discomfort. You looked at him while tears came up in your eyes.

This whole thing with Harry didnt make sense. Draco didnt quite get what was going on. All he knew was that Harry hated him.

'I told him what we discussed. What I was allowed to say.' You choked. 'He has been asking me for weeks and he just wont listen. He wont listen while he wanted to hear it.' You continued. 'He just attacked you and he attacked me and I dont know what to do.'

Draco wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly against him. You broke down crying in his arms.

This entire situation had finally reached the limit. Your boyfriend not approving of your best friend. Hating him. Never agreeing on your hanging out with him. You just wanted them to be okay.

You constantly felt like you were choosing sides. You wanted both of them in your life. That's why this was tearing you apart.

'Shh, it's okay. I kinda expected it. Give him time. He'll get it when he's ready to accept.'

'How long do I still have to wait? It's been years now.'

Draco let you go and wiped your tears away. He smiled at you.

Harry stared at you two. He saw how Draco treated you. With care and patience. The way he calmed you down.. maybe he wasnt that bad.

He hated that thought that but maybe he had been a little hard on you. Maybe he should listen and give Draco a chance.

'Listen up, we will go to hogsmeade, get some candy and you can rant to me all day until you feel better. Okay?' Draco asked.

You shrugged.

'Dont shrug. Yes or no?' He grinned.

'Okay. Yes.'

Draco let you go and wanted to take you away. Harry quickly approached you two.

'Y/N, wait.'

You stopped and quickly wiped your eyes again before turning around.

'What?' You asked.

'I just wanted to apologise. For my behaviour.' He said.

You looked at him in a bit of surprise and a little bit of shock.

'I know I've been a jerk. I know. I'm sorry. I shouldve listened.' Harry said.

You walked a little closer to him. What was happening? Why did he suddenly change.

'What happened?' You asked.

'I just saw the way he calmed you down. You must be really comfortable around him. I shouldve given him a chance.'

Draco looked at Harry.

'I'm sorry. I am willing to see you guys more together but.. can we just keep that a secret?' Harry asked.

'You really think that with my parents I go around Hogwarys with you? That would bring you in danger.' Draco grinned. 'But I'm open for trying.'

Harry passed him a smile. You walked towards him and gave him a hug. Harry wrapped his arms around you and pressed his lips against your forehead..

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now