Draco x reader ~ ice

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Requested by: bestgorltm



'Let's go guys!' Pansy smiled.

You, Draco, Gregory, Vincent and Pansy decided to go to the lake. It was freezing cold outside. There was snow everywhere and the lake was almost frozen solid.

Draco was wondering a little behind. You loved ice skating. You all decided to just go onto the lake and have fun. You started walking a little slower to catch up with Draco.

Out of everyone, you and Draco had the best connection. He was an amazing person. A handsome person.. you had fallen for him.. badly.

'What's up?' You asked.

'I've never went ice skating.' He whispered.

You looked at him. He looked a bit embarrassed.

'Why are you whispering that?' You asked.

'Because they'll bully me with it. You know them.'

He was right. Although he was the leader of the group, as soon as he wasnt good at anything the others took it as an golden opportunity to bully him with it.

'I'll be here too.' You smiled.

'Come on!' Vincent yelled at you two.

You made your way to the lake. Pansy and the guys were already on it. You let yourself slide onto it and made a small round over the ice.

Draco was just standing at the edge, staring at you all. Pansy moved over to him and dragged him forwards. He put a foot on the ice and as Pansy pulled him he slipped and fall into the snow.

Everyone immediately laughed.. except for you and Draco. He got up quickly and pushed Pansy away from him. You felt bad for him. He was never really self conscious.

'Come on. Dont be such a wuss.' Pansy sighed.

'I'm not a wuss.' He scoffed.

'Then get on.'

Draco sighed. He stared at the ice. He didnt move a muscle. Gregory and Vincent joined her.

'Someones scared.' Gregory laughed.

'I'm not.' Draco hissed.

'Someone cant ice skate.' Vincent laughed.

He was followed by the piercing laughter of the other two. Draco didnt say anything. His fists were balled. You saw that he really didnt like this. You moved over to them and stopped right infront of Draco.

You offered him your hand. Draco looked up at you. You passed him an encouraging smile. Draco grabbed your hand.

'Friends are meant to help each other. Not break each other down.' You said, clearly snearing at the others.

You helped him onto the ice. At first he was a little unsteady. Draco held onto your tightly as you held him up. When he was a little more stable you showed him how to move.

'Alright, now you do it.' You smiled.

Whole you skated back, he skated forwards. It was a little wonky at first but after a few minutes later he started to get it.

'You're doing great.' You smiled.

Draco looked at you. He fixed his posture and passed you a smile.

'Thank you.'


You warmed yourself at the fire in the common room. You were freezing cold. Draco walked in. He was just wearing his pyjamas and his hair was wet from the shower he just took.

'Havent you showered yet? You were freezing.'

You were still shaking but Pansy didnt care. She beat you to the shower. Draco walked over to you.

'I-I still am.' You shivered.

He sat down besides you and laid his hand on your wrist.

'You have to take a shower.' He said.

'P-Pansy beat me t-to it.'

Draco looked around. He walked towards his room for a moment while you tried to stop shaking. Draco came back and wrapped an extra blanket from his bed around you.

'Itll be ruined.'

'You help me, I help you.' Draco said while smiling and sitting down besides you.

He laid a hand on your leg. You looked at it and then at him.

'I look awful right now.' You sighed.

'So do I.' He laughed.

You both stared at the fire for a moment.

'Thank you for helping me today.' Draco said.

You looked at him and swung the blanket over his shoulder while you snuggled closer to him. Draco grinned.

'With pleasure.' You smiled.

You laid your head on his shoulder. Draco felt like he had to make his move before this moment was gone again.

'Y/N.' Draco said.

You looked up at him. You sat up and looked at him.

'Are you still cold?' He asked.

You looked at him and nodded with a small blush.

'Hmm.' He said. 'Maybe I can try one more thing.'

You looked at him, a little confused. Draco suddenly captured your lips with his. You felt your entire body heat up as you slowly kissed him back.

'Oh.. sorry.. the shower is ready..' pansy said while you pulled back.

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