Hermione x fem!depressed!reader ~ kiss

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Requested by: scarlet_witches_wife

WARNING: mentions of depression and suicide are in this oneshot


You headed back towards the common room. It was a long day. You were looking for you best friend, and crush, Hermione. It was nice to see her after a long day.

You were Y/Se (your sexuality). You couldn't help but fall for her. She was smart, funny and beautiful. The girl of your dreams.

She helped you a lot. You used to be very lonely at Hogwarts before you met her. You were so happy she was your friend. Also at home it was often difficult. All your situations gave you depression, but hermione was helping you get out of that.

You entered the common room. You stopped right away. You saw Hermione talking to one of the gryffindor girls.

You decided to wait until she was done. Hermione was very popular. It wasn't new that she was talking to someone else.

You stared down at your stuff for a moment. You didnt want to seem like you were waiting. You wanted her to finish what she was doing first.

You were planning on confessing to her soon. You just had to find the right time. That would come.. right?

You sighed and looked back up. You watched as Hermione's lips were against the other girls lips. You world stopped for a moment as you felt your heart break into a million pieces.

You got up and left the common room right away. This was awful. She was the only positive thing you had and that was gone now..


'Y/Si/N..' (your sisters name, if you dont have one just enter a random name ty ty)

Hermione hadn't seen you all day. She was worried about you and decided to ask your sister what was up. Your sister seemed.. upset. Very upset.

'Oh.. hey..' she said.

'Have you seen Y/N? Usually I always see her but I havent seen her all day..'

Your sister looked at the table while one of her friends rubber her back in a comforting way.

'I was worried about her too. When I saw her past night she was very sad.. as in how she used to be before you met her. She ran away from me and I lost her.. later on when I,found her..'

Your sister stopped talking for a moment and tried to swallow to get rid of the blocked throat.

'She was laying on the bathroom floor.. unconscious.. in her own blood because she tried to kill herself.'

Hermione stepped back a little in shock.

'Is she-'

'No, she's in the hospital wing but-'

Hermione didnt even listen anymore. She hurried out of the great hall. She was shaking, her breath shivering as she felt an immense sensation of worry.

Hermione was in love with you. She knew she was she just didnt have the guts to tell you.

She ran into the hospital wing and started looking for your bed right away. She finally found you and grabbed your hand right away.


You slowly opened your eyes and looked turned your head to the side. You looked straight at Hermione.

'Y/N.. thank god!' She exclaimed.

She grabbed a stool and sat down besides you right away.

'We talked about this Y/N! Why did you- I thought you were feeling better!' She chocked.

Hermione tried her best not to cry. It hurt you to see how much it hurt her. You knew it did but you just couldnt stop yourself.

'I was.' You just said while staring up at the ceiling.

'What happened?!' Hermione asked.

You sighed. Maybe you should just tell her. This situation couldnt get much worse.

'You know how I told you in Y/Se and that I like this girl.'

Hermione just nodded.

'Well it's you.. and I saw you kissing someone else. At that point I just couldnt think straight anymore. Because I thought we had something.'

You turned your head completely away from her.

'I didnt kiss her. She kissed me. I pushed her away because.. I dont like her. I like you!' Hermione said.

You looked at her right away.

'What?' You asked.

'I'm in love with you.. I'm sorry you had to see that and that it made you do this. I'm so sorry but it didnt mean anything!'

You looked at her and smiled. Your smile made her smile. She got up and leaned over you.

'Can I?' She asked.

You nodded.

She gently pressed her lips against yours..

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now