George x reader ~ Stop it!

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You're in Cedrics year and this is before the triwizard tournament year.

Requested by: LeftyLucy6


'Do it.' Fred said. 'She's right there. This is your chance.'

George looked at you. You were just standing there, talking to your friends. George like you for a long time. You always had fun together and you were everything he was looking for. Funny, kind, good looking.

'She is surrounded by friends. Theyll all laugh at me when she says no '

Your friends were talking but you couldnt hear them. You never could if you knew he was there. George always got your attention.

He was the funniest gou you had ever met. Incredibly kind and loving. You wanted to be with him but were too scared to ask him. You secretly hoped that he wanted to go to hogsmeade with you.


You looked at one of your friends and your cheeks shot red as you realised you werent listening.

'Stop staring at George. Im telling you something!' She sighed. 'Just talk to him about Hogsmeade if you wsnt him to ask you so badly.'

'Im sorry.. oh god he's coming this way.'

Your friends stepped aside. You smilednat George.

'Hey Y/N.'


George wanted to ask you. He did but standing there he just couldnt.

'I was wondering..'

You looked at him. Was this it? Was he going to ask you?

'If you could help me with my potions homework again?'

That was disappointing. You looked at him and tried to keep smiling.


'Thank you.' He said before walking away.

You ended up going with Cedric. He asked you to Hogsmeade and you just said yes so you didnt have to go alone. Cedric was a nice guy. Just not your type but he was nice. You always gave people a chance.

'Here you go.' Cedric smiled while handing you some candy.

'You bought this for me? thank you.' You smiled.

'I hate him. I hate him. I hate him so badly. I wish he was dead.'

George was watching you from a distance. His arms crossed, he hadnt smiled once and Fred and Angelina were sick of it. He was ruining the entire mood. This was supposed to be a fun day.

'You shouldve just asked her. You chickened out. Its your own fault!' Fred sighed.

George watched you and Cedric laugh. It made him feel sick. You were meant to be there with him. He shouldve just asked you.

He hated himself that he didnt ask you. He was going to get you to go for him. Cedric had to see that you werent going to stay with him.

George suddenly walked away from Fred and Angelina. It happened as soon as you walked away from Cedric and headed inside a shop for a moment.

'Oh no.' Fred said as soon as George grabbed his wand from his pocket. 'GEORGE!' Fred yelled as he ran after him.

George was blinded by hatred and walked over to Cedric. Cedric was suprised to see him heading over to him like that.

'Hey, whats-'

'Dont whats up me. Do you like Y/N?' He asked.

Cedric was a little suprised by that question. He could clearly see that George was very angry at him.

'I do? Why?' He asked.

'Well me too so let's settle this.'

He stepped back and pointed his wand at him. Cedric had no idea what was happening.

'Go on. Grab your wand.' He hissed.

'Youre crazy.'

'Scared? Of course you are.' George grinned.

Angelina hurried into the store where you were while the George was pissing of Cedric more and more. This was going to lead to a duel if she didnt get you there to stop it.


She ran over to you and grabbed your arm. You smiled at her.

'Wow, whats up?'

'George likes you and he is going to fight Cedric because he took you here.'

You were shocked. It took you a moment to process.


'You have to stop them! Please!'

You ran outside and already heard both the boy screaming with their wands up. You ran towards them. George was closer to you than Cedric. You grabbed his arm. George turned around and looked at you.

'Stop it! Both if you!' You yelled.


You dragged George away from Cedric, out of sight.

'Youre crazy! You like me but you dont ask me and then someone has the balls to ask me and you get mad! Ive waited days for you to ask me!' You hissed at him.

George then realised what he had done. He sighed.

'Im sorry. I really am. I just couldnt stand the thought of you with another guy.'

'Why didnt you just ask me then.'

'Because I didnt want to get hurt. I didnt know if you like me.'

You both just looked at each other for a moment.

'Im really sorry.' George said.

'I know. Its okay. Do you still want to go together then?'

George smiled.

'I'd love to.'

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now