Charlie x reader ~ second best day

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Requested by: JanineMystery



You nervously waited at the start of the aisle. Fleur asked you to be one of ther bridesmaids. You were gonna walk down the aisle with a weasley brother.

'Hey, Y/N.'

You turned your head and saw Charlie. He was wearing a suit which looked very good on him. He stopped besides you.

'Looks like we are going to walk down the aisle together.' He smiled. 'Are you excited?'

'Yeah totally!' You smiled. 'Not as excited as Fleur and Bill.'

You watched Bill at the alter. He was nervous, you could see it. Weddings were amazing. One day you'd want one for yourself.

'They must be so ready for this.' He smiled.

'If I was them it would be the second best day of my life.' You smiled.

Before Charlie could ask it wad your turn to walk down the aisle. It was nice to walk down there. You felt honoured.

'Why second best?' Charlie whispered.

'Because the best day would be meeting a dragon.'

Charlie suddenly felt very interested in you
After the wedding, during the party, he decided to talk to you some more. He sat down besides you.

'What's up Charlie?' You asked with a smile. 'That ceremony was beautiful, wasnt it?'

'Definitely.' He smiled. 'I'm glad my brother is happy.' He said while looking at the happy couple dancing.

You watched them too. It seemed crazy to have this much fun in a time of war. At least they got married before all the hell would break loose.

'So dragons, huh.' He said.

You grinned and looked at him.

'Charlie, the dragon boy of the Weasleys.' You laughed.

Charlie smiled a little.

'So what if I am.' He laughed. 'Your story intrigued me.'

You smiled and looked back at him.

'I've just always been obsessed with dragons. All my life. Toys, books.. even at school I kept reading about them in the library. It would just mean the world to see them.'

You were someone Charlie could really be friends with..


You and charlie indeed became friend. You faught the entire war together. It brought you close. Very close.

You liked charlie a lot. He totally got you. You had a lot in common and he was truly charming.

Charlie invited you to Romania. You knew he worked there but he never truly told you what he did. You had been staying in Romania for awhile now.

'Did you sleep well?' Charlie asked.

You looked up from your drink. Charlie was already dressed. He looked really nice.. you liked him so much. Everytime you looked at him you forgot how to breathe for a moment.

'I did.' You smiled. 'How about you?'

'So did I. I have a surprise for you today.'

You looked at him a little shocked. Charlie smiled.

'Go on. Get dressed. We leave in 30 minutes.'

You got up and started getting dressed. What would the surprise be? For him you wanted to try to look pretty. Every day you were around him. When you were done you hurried downstairs.

'Its a small walk but I'm gonna have to blindfold you.'

You looked at him.

'What?' You asked.

'Trust me. I'll lead you there.'

You hesitated but before you knew it he already tied something before your eyes. You felt Charlie's hand slide down your arm before he grabbed your hand. Goosebumps spread all over your body.

'Just follow me. Dont be scared.'

Charlie started leading you out of the door. You felt the cold breeze against your skin. You had no clue where he was taking you. Maybe to the forest near his home? You had no clue where else it could be.

'Wait here.' Charlie suddenly said.

You then heard him whistle. A sharp, high pitched one. Charlie quickly got rid of your blindfold.

Right infront of you a dragon made it's way to the ground. It was unreal. Like you were dreaming. Your eyes were wide and you had no idea how to react. Charlie smiled as the dragon landed on the ground. He turned to you.

'Hi, I'm Charlie Weasley, I work with dragons.' He said.

You couldnt get your eyes of it. Your mouth was partly opened and you had no idea how to react. Charlie placed his hand on your shoulder. You looked at him.

'I-I... is that.. what is..'

Charlie grinned and stood besides you while looking at the dragon with you. He moved his hand towards it and slowly moved it down. The dragon lowered his head. He took you towards it. He felt you shaking.

'This is Gina. She a common Welsh green as you might know. She is tamed, originally from Britain but we saved her when she got injured. This is the best place to take her before she flies back to her family.' Charlie smiled.

Charlie looked at you.

'Its okay. Dont be scared. She wont hurt you.'

He slowly placed your hand on her head.

'Charlie..' you said. 'This... this means to world to me.'

'I knew it would. It's the reason I invited you.'

You looked at him. He slowly let your arm go. You started perting Gina. She pressed her head into your palm.

'Thank you so much. I have no idea what to say.'

'Y/N.. I wanted to make your dream come true. You truly mean a lot to me. I wanted to show you that.'

You looked at him.

'I've been meaning to tell you..'

He hesitated for a bit. You let Gina go and turned to him.

'I really like you.. like a lot. I was wondering if-'

You pulled his chin up and kissed him. Charlie was surprised but kissed you back.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now