4 years on Wattpad

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4 years on wattpad. This is insane. 3 days ago it was my 4 year anniversary on wattpad. I know I'm late but that's because in on holiday and didnt have the time to post until now!

Basically for my 4th year, I'm taking the q&a from my half a year and reanswer together with a new face reveal (comparison with the old one)

So on the day of the 9th of august, my friend came towards me saying: there are lots of books of Draco online of this app of wattpad and some are about Draco falling in love with the reader so you read Your Name or Y/N and you all the time.

So I logged on and started writing Secrets. Secrets wasnt done yet during my half an year but it is now. I'm not very proud if the first few chapters but im never going to edit it because it shows my progress in writing. I

When I was half way my next book Filthy death eaters came into existence. I'm so proud of that book unbelievable. 90 chapters and so many reads. It wasn't just a book it became a small community where I got to know most of you guys and had great conversations and laughs about comments!

Then I started a one shot book that is also doing well seeing the amount of requests I got. It hit 2 million and I'm still amazed I'm that. I even wrote a second book. And then broken. That's where I was after my half a year.

I than added Beauty, Lies, Accepted, Damaged and Mirror on the wall to the collection.

When I was on here half a year I had 400 followers. At this point on the 11th of August at 23.19 (11.19 pm) I'm at 6.69K Draco lovers (that's what I call my fans). I am.. mind blown every day of how many people I reach. I often think I dont deserve it. I just keep growing and every time I think that I cant reach any more I hit the next 1000. I am so incredibly thankful. I made such good friends here (shootout to mvargas101 , IIPheonixFireII  and my sister Cumberbatchie ) but also many others. I love you guys so much. You cheer me up when I need it. You support me, you stand by me. Every read, every like, every comment. I love it. So thank you

Before I show myself, here are some questions for you guys:

What made you come to my account?

What book did/do you enjoy the most?

These was one of the pictures I used during my half a year. People told me I kinda looked like a blonde Ginny.

Idk if you guys agree but this is me now

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Idk if you guys agree but this is me now

Idk if you guys agree but this is me now

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