Snape x adult!reader ~ panic

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You walked backwards while blocking the spell that were shot at you. You were really struggling to keep this death eater away from you.

You were in your twenties and now fighting to help the wizarding world survive. You hadn't been here in quite a long time. It was sad to see Hogwarts like this.

You blocked a few more spells while you continued to take steps back. It didn't take long before you tripped and fell to the floor. You looked up and the death eater ran over to you. You tried to reach for your wand and managed to get to it.

You shot a spell at her and tried to get up. The girl kicked you down and laughed.

'Pathetic. This is your end.'

She shot avada kedavra at you but you managed to dodge it. It hit the floor right besides you. You looked up and saw that she got hit with stupefy. Your friend managed to find you.

You sat up and you were hyperventilating. You just almost died. You almost died. That was the only thing you could think. Your best friend sat down opposite of you.

'Y/N, Y/N, we have to go.'

You were shaking, your heart was racing and the scene kept replaying itself in your head. It was the only thing you could see. The sounds around you faded. Nothing seemed to come through to you.

'This is dangerous.' One of your other friends said. 'We're going to die if we don't leave.'

Your chest hurt, you felt dizzy and sick. Your friends shook you a little to see if you'd respond.. but nothing.

At Hogwarts you were also very well known for occasionally having panic attacks. You were a Gryffindor and you always felt very at home at Hogwarts. You really wanted to prove to everyone that you were a good student.

You often pushed yourself a little too far. Your get stressed out easily because of lack of sleep or just not understanding. Especially potions was a bad subject for you.

'She's having a panic attack.' Your best friend said. 'Y/N, I need you to focus on my voice. Can you do that?'

There was still nothing. There was fighting all around you. Your friends tried to get you up. You weren't even able to stand.

Snape was fighting on the other side of the courtyard. He tried to stay out of sight for as long as he could. He looked around for a moment.

You caught his eyes. He saw your friends who tried to keep the death eaters away. He recognised you right away. He wasn't teaching for long when you entered Hogwarts. He was around his twenties and it was his first year of teaching. When you entered Hogwarts he could see how hard you were trying.

He once in your third year saw you having a panic attack. Afterwards Snape guided you through your years. He still recognised the way you look.

He saw that you were having a panic attack. Snape ran towards you.

'Step aside.' He said.

Your best friend looked up and stepped aside. Snape crouched down in front of you. He grabbed your upper arm and shook you for a moment.


You recognised his voice. Somehow it came through to you. It always did. You suddenly realised where you were, what happened.

'Y/N, you have to snap out of it. I know you can hear me. This focus on my voice.' He said.

You slowly stopped shaking and you managed to get your breathing order. You opened your eyes. You saw Snape sitting right in front of you.

'I almost died..' You said.

You covered your mouth and could finally cry.

'It's okay, you're okay.'

Snape moved some hair out of your face (if possible). You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him. Snape hugged you back and pulled you up off the floor.

'You have to get away from here.' He said.

You let him go and Snape guided you inside. He took you to an abandoned corridor. You turned to him.

'Thank you.' You sniffed.

'No problem.' He said. 'It's good to see you.'

'It's good to see you too.' You smiled.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now