Scorpius x George's daughter!reader ~ Uncle Fred?

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So to be honest I never finished the script of the cursed child because it just didnt do it for me (everyone can have their own opinions but it didnt read nicely for me, maybe I gotta see the play some or something). I'm not entirely sure if I'm doing this correctly so have mercy on me pls. Thank you!

Requested by: JanineMystery



'We have to get out of here Scorpius.' You sighed.

You and Scorpius were in an alternate dimension in which Voldemort won. You had just met Harry, Ron and Hermione but decided to continue to find a way out of that dangerous place.

Scorpius had always been special to you. You liked him.. a lot. You had been friends since the start of Hogwarts.

'I know, let's just continue okay?'

You sighed and followed him. This was awful. You were glad Voldemort didnt win. This place was a mess.

You stopped for a second when you saw someone ahead. You tried to focus on it. Red hair.. equally tall as your father. Maybe that was your father.

It seemed like he was in some trouble with another guy. The gay had black hair until his shoulder and wore a dark outfit. But that was all you could see.

'Is that.. dad?'

You started walking over to them. The closer you got the more he started to look like your dad.

'Y/N, this is dangerous!' Scorpius hissed. 'This is not our dimension, maybe you're not even born here!'

'I dont care. I wanna see what wouldve happened to him if this had happened.'

You pulled yourself away from Scorpius and headed over to the two. You started to walk slower the closer you got. You werent sure of course.

'George?' You asked.

You felt weird calling your father by his first name. You always called him dad. The man turned his head to you.

'I'm sorry but.. who are you?' He asked.

'Can you two kids go. This is non of your business.' The man said with a rather depressed voice.

'Oh grow up Severus! I've done nothing wrong!'

You looked at the two. Severus? Severus Snape? The teacher that got killed by Voldemort? The one harry named his kid after?

'Sorry kid, I'm not George. I'm his twin brother Fred.'

Your eyes shot at him right away. You looked at him in disbelieve. He never died here? How could that have happened?

'U-Uncle Fred?'

Severus could only look a Scorpius. He recognised that blonde hair and those gray eyes.

'You looked familiar.' He said.

'Listen, we have to go.' Scorpius said.

He tried to pull you away but you refused to give in. You had to talk to Fred, even if it was just for a little while.

'Did you just call me uncle?' Fred asked.

You looked at him. You had never met him of course because he was dead in your universe but he was right there. George told you so many stories about him.

'Listen this is going to sound crazy but I'm from an alternate dimension and so is Scorpius here and I'm.. I'm George's daughter and in our universe you're both dead.' You said.

Scorpius sighed while the two man just stared at you. Although it was crazy, they didnt seem to be surprised. Magic could do a lot of course.

'Have you ever heard about subtle?' Scorpius asked.

Fred bend down and looked at you. He did see a mini George in you. Although it was hard for him to believe.

'That's remarkable.' Fred said. 'So what do you want? A hug?' He asked.

You smiled shyly. Fred grinned and opened his arms for you to hug him. Scorpius looked at severus.

'Yes I'm a Malfoy.' He sighed.

Fred let you go.

'Now you to go off. Say hi to my brother for me.' He laughed.

Scorpius dragged you with him..


When you managed to finally made your way back you arrived at the lake. It had been one hell of a ride in that dimension. It was weird to see how different thing couldve been.

You and Scorpius just sat down there for a second. Albus waited for you there to return. You looked at Scorpius and hugged him tightly.

'That was interesting.' You said.

Scorpius just held you tighter.

'Yeah it was.'

You slowly let each other go. It happened before you knew it but it seemed like ages. You two looked at each other. You had been through so much together and he had always meant the world to you.

Before you knew it you found yourself with your lips against his. It didnt take long but it was enough to send butterflies flying through your entire body. It something you had always wanted.

You smiled at him shyly and looked away with a red face. Albus just stared at you two with an open mouth.

'What the hell just happened?' He asked.

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