Draco x Potter!reader ~ all your fault

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Requested by: annie_m19

Your name is Y/N Potter


Draco held your hand as you ran through the forbidden forest. You chose this. You had to remind yourself of that. You chose this and hid it from Harry.

You and Draco were together but you liked him a lot. He was your best friend which Harry really hated.

Draco told you hiss secret in 5th year. That he had to become a death eater and he asked for your help. You dont know why but within days you were working for the dark lord. Helping him with his tasks. Your entire heart wanted to protect Draco.

The more you thought about it the more you realised that you became friends with Draco because Harry didnt have time for you anymore. He was too busy getting into trouble with his friends. They completely left you out of everything. He abandoned you to be.. the chosen one.

Dumbledore just died. Snape did what Draco couldnt. You were too deep in this to turn back. You would be getting a dark mark soon.. and for some reason that didnt feel bad.

You watched as Bellatrix set Hagrids hut on fire. Draco let you go. You turned around and saw Harry. The pain and betrayal in his eyes..

'Y/N! How can you do this?!' He hissed at you.

'You have no idea.' You hissed back at him.

Draco grabbed your arm.

'Let's go.' He said.

'This is all your fault! What did you do, hex her?!' Harry yelled.

'Draco hasnt done anything.' You hissed. 'You're the one who abandoned me to become the one and only famous Harry Potter. You're too busy getting into trouble to even spend time with me. We only had each other and you left me the second you entered Hogwarts. Draco was the only one who was there for me. Well blame me for wanting to do anything I can to help him.'

Harry stared at you. He couldnt believe what you just said, even though he knew you were right deep inside.

'So you just go and betray me?! Me?! Your brother?!' He asked. 'For a boy!'

'He is not just a boy and it's not because of him. It's because of you!'

'Well maybe if you spend less time with him we wouldve spoken more!' Harry yelled.

Draco grabbed your wrist and pulled you back. You looked at him and then at Harry.

'Goodbye.' You said before Draco pulled you back.


The conversation with Harry had quite the impact on you. Although the fact he didnt know you were helping Harry showed how involved he is in your life.

You took a deep breath. You were sitting on your bed in one of the guest rooms in the Malfoy manor. You had your ceremony soon in which you'd gain your dark mark.

There was a knock on your door. You looked up while it opened. As soon as you saw Draco you smiled right away. You hadnt seen him since the day before.. after you came back from the forest.

'Got time for a chat?' He asked.

You nodded and moved over so he could sit besides you. He laid his hand on your upper leg. You tried to stop your blushing while you looked at him.

'I know yesterday was.. big. Especially for you. I wanted to ask if you're okay.'

'I'm fine. The fact that he didnt know I've been doing this for the past year shows that he is just not involved in my life.'

You never actually spoke about Harry that much with Draco.

'I didnt even know you felt that way.'

'I dont like to talk about it. Besides you have your fair share of stuff going on. I didnt want to bother you.'

Draco moved some hair out of your face (if possible) and smiled.

'You never bother me.'

You smiled and looked away from him.

'Thank you though. You're the only one who ever tried to understand me.' Draco said. 'It means a lot.'

All you did was just smile. Draco wrapped an arm around you and pulled you against him. Draco felt really at ease with you and realised you were one of a kind. It would be a lie if he'd say he didnt love you.

You laid your head on his shoulder. Draco looked down on you. He grabbed your chin and pushed your head back a little.

'As long as you're happy.' He said.

'With you? Always.' You smiled.

Draco didnt hesitate. Before you knew it, he pressed his lips against yours. He didnt make it last long because he hesitated about how you felt.. but that one or two seconds was amazing to you.

When he pulled back you sat up a little. You smiled at him before kissing him again..

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