young!sirius x pregnant!reader

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'Y/N, you have to calm down.' Lily said while comforting you.

Well at least she tried. It wasn't really working. This was bad. Like super bad. Like the worst of the worst. This was totally not something you needed in particular right now. Your 7th year was about to end and you were stuck with this.

'Calm down?!' You choked. 'How can I possibly calm down! I'm gonna get killed! If it isnt by my parents it's by Sirius!'

You and Sirus had been dating for 3 years. It had been amazing. He was so sweet to you. You honestly believed that he would never hurt you.

Lately you had been feeling.. weird. You looked a little bloated, you ate more than usual even though you threw up a lot.. it was weird. Lily managed to get you a pregnancy test.. and yes.. it was positive.

You didnt know if you were ready for this. Getting rid of it sounded so harsh.. you and sirius had talked about what youd do after Hogwarts. The subject of kids had come up but not as serious.

You didnt know what he wanted. Was he ready for this? Could he ever be? Of course he wouldn't be. You could never tell him.

'No! Y/N, listen-'

'No! You listen.' You hissed while looking at her. 'You're not telling anyone! I need to take my time and figure this all out.'


'No but! Promise me, Lily.'

She looked at you and sighed.

'I promise.'


You hadn't been talking to Sirius and it worried him. You couldn't bring yourself to tell him. It scared you too much.

'Hey Lily..' Sirius said while she passed him.

Lily stopped and looked at him.

'Hi Sirius, what's up?' She asked.

'I've been meaning to talk to you.. about Y/N.'

Lily didnt say anything. She wasnt sure what he knew or didnt know. She didnt want to break her promise.

'What's up with her?'

'She's avoiding me.. or well.. not talking to me. Did I do anything?' He asked.

'Wait.. you guys havent talked?' Lily asked.

'Should we?' He asked.

Lily sighed.

'She asked me not to tell you why but you really have to talk to her.'

Sirius looked around.

'I'll go find her.'

And so he went off. He walked through the corridors, check the common room, the great hall.. you were no where to be found. Sirius was about to give.. but then when he walked outside he saw you. You didnt seem to notice him.

You were clearing your mind outside with a book. You hated that you couldn't bring yourself to talk to Sirius.


You looked up and saw Sirius. You panicked for a bit but knew it was too late. You couldnt leave. You didnt say anything. You just stared at him.

'What did I do? Why are you ignoring me, avoiding me.. dont you love me anymore?' He asked.

'No. No I do love you.. that's why I've been avoiding you.'

Sirius didnt get it. He slowly approached you a bit more and you him. He sat down besides you.

'Then what's wrong?'

You wanted to say it right there and then.. but the thought of what might happen made you panic. Sirius saw the tears in your eyes. He gently wrapped an arm around you and pulled you against him. As soon as he did you started crying.

'I'm so sorry.' You cried.

'Its okay. Just take your time.'

'No I cant.. you need to know. I'm pregnant.'

Sirius was shocked. He didnt know what to say. This was unreal to him.

'I know we're young and this wasnt meant to happen but I am and I didnt dare to tell you because I dont know how you feel about it and I was afraid you wouldnt love me anymore.'

Sirius pushed you away from him a little. You looked up and all you could see was the massive smile on his face.

'Are you serious?' He asked. 'Y/N, we've talked about having kids in the future. It might be a little early but I love you.. I love you Y/N and I'll love this baby.'

You smiled at him through your tears and he pressed his lips against yours.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now