Inportant if you requested

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So I know my updates are slow but thats because I have 4 deadlines for college coming up and with corona and everything it's very hard for me to plan everything.

A lot of people have been dming me asking about their request. Dont worry if you did that thats fine, I completely understand that you ask.

But i wanted to come here and just tell everyone:

Your request is on my list. Some people were just very late with requesting so your request is at the end of my request list. I had 60 requests in 24 hrs. Im really sorry but that means that it can take awhile before it's up (because I write the requests in the order that they're requested). I asked for a little patience and I still hope you guys can have that and that you're all doing well <3.

I love you all and I'm trying and I hope this answers everyones question about how their request is coming along.

All the dms make me feel bad about my writing time and I totally understand if you asked so no I dont hate you if you did and I still write your request. I appreciate the enthousiasm but I wanted to just put this out there because I am already under a lot of pressure so I hope I just cleared this up!

Again, I'm sorry but I'm trying <3

I hope I havent upset anyone who dmed me because I dont even remember who did. I love you all so please dont worry!!

You can check out my insta story today and I'll post some work I've been "writing" for the past 2 weeks for school it that makes you understand me more <3

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now