Charlie Weasley x reader ~ help

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Reqeusted by: @qwertylilshit

So I didnt really play Hogwarts mystery until this point seeing the engery required to play the game was so ridiculous that I stopped. I decided to make it my own little thing, I hope that's okay to you and that you still enjoy!


'Just watch your step.' Charlie smiled while holding your hand.

'Of course.'

You moved with Charlie to Romania and now he was showing you his work. There were cages with dragons all around you and some were allowed to be in the open air.

Charlie took care of them. The dragons in the cages were still a little too scared or violent to be let out. Eventually they would be going out of the cage.

'I'm glad you're showing me around.' You smiled.

'You deserve to see it.' He smiled

He took you to one of the cages. You saw a beautiful dragon behind it. You smiled. Charlie stopped you.

'Stay back. I dont want you to get hurt.'

You stopped right away. Charlie reached with his hand inside the cage. The dragon slowly approached him until Charlie could pet it. He smiled.

'That's it. See it's me.'

Charlie slowly stopped and reached for the door of the cage. You were amazed by the dragon. You just couldnt keep your eyes on it. Charlie looked at you and smiled while opening the cage. He was happy that you liked it here so much.

You then heard Charlie gasp in surprise and pain. He then closed the cage and leaned against it for a moment.

'What happened?' You asked in shock.

'The pin of the door just totally cut my leg.'

You looked at his leg. It wasnt too bad seeing he could stand on it. It was bleeding badly though.

'How did you-'

'I was looking at you and didn't see what I did.'

'I'm so sorry..'

'That's not your fault.' He said.

You grabbed his arm and put it over your shoulder so he could lean on you.

'What are you doing?' He asked.

'You're not continuing like this. You need to go inside.'

You took Charlie back inside and sat him down on a chair. You hurried into the kitchen and grabbed the nearest tower. You put some water on it and walked over to Charlie.

You started cleaning his wound. As soon as the water touched his wound he inhaled sharply.

'I have to do this, Charlie. Who knows what kind of filth was on that cage.' You said.

'You know you can just use your wand-'

'Shush this is way more fun.' You smiled. 'Besides, at home I always had to take care of my younger brother and he used to get injured a lot. I wasnt allowed to use magic then.. also I dont know that much about medical magic.'

You continued slowly cleaning the wound and the stains of blood on his leg. The bleeding wasn't dangerous but it had to be stopped. You got up. Charlie's eyes followed you. You smiled and pressed your lips against his shortly.

'Stay here.'

'I'm staining the floor.'

'I dont care. I'll clean it up later.'

You walked towards the kitchen and grabbed some bandages. You walked back to Charlie and wrapped them around his leg, making sure the wound was closed and secure.

'Thank you.' Charlie smiled.

You helped him up and brought him towards the couch. You put his leg on a pillow.

'You are going to rest your leg today.'

'But I-'

'No Charlie. No working, just relaxing.'

You headed towards the kitchen again and grabbed a cloth to clean the floor. Charlie sighed as he watched you.

'At least let me he-'

'No. You need to sit there and give the wound time to heal.'

'If you just let me grab my wand I ca-'

'No. Sit.' You hissed.

Charlie let out another sigh and decided to stay where he was. After you finished cleaning the floor you put the cloth away and made something to drink for Charlie. You sat down besides him and handed it to him.

'This could all go so much faster.'

'I like taking care of you.' You smiled while laying your hand on his shoulder. 'It makes me feel like you need me.'

'I'll always need you.' He smiled. 'I'll leave my leg to rest today, okay?'

You nodded and pressed your lips against his again.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now