Voldemort x adult!reader ~ by my side

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Requested by: HeatherEnnis2

Name summer Y/L

I'm going to try to use it as little as I can so its readable for everyone!



You walked along with all the death eaters. You were heading towards Hogwarts. Hagrid was walking in front of you with Harry.

You stared at Voldemort. He was amazing. Such a powerful man. You really liked him.. but of course that was forbidden.

You were a death eater, yes.. but you could never date the dark lord. He wasn't even interested in someone like you.. probably. Besides.. Bellatrix would kill you.

You focused back on the castle. You had to put it out of your head.. yet you couldn't. You tried it for some many days but it didnt seem to work.

You never felt like you belong and Hogwarts. You always had an interest in the dark stuff.. people found you scary and weird.. but Voldemort saw your potential.. you happily became a death eater when he asked you too.

You had been loyal too him even when he disappeared. You never doubted the fact that he was an incredible wizard. After his return he was glad to see you, something which surprised you. Everything he did he discussed with you. You adviced him.

You reached the castle. All the students over there were looking at you. They all knew what was coming. A small smile crossed your face as you saw their scared faces.

'Harry Potter is dead!' Voldemort screamed.

'NO!' Ginny yelled.

'Silence.' Voldemort spoke while casting a spell keeping him at distance.  'Stupid girl! Harry Potter is dead!' He spoke while stepping forwards. 'From this day forth, you'll put your faith in me.' He spoke while pointing at himself.

He smiled and turned around to speak to his followers.

'Harry Potter is dead!' He shouted happily.

All the death eaters laughed and so did you. Voldemort then looked at you. You smiled at him. He made you blush a little. He then reached out his hand.

Bellatrix, who was standing besides you, stepped forwards right away.

'Not you.' He hissed.

She stepped back right away. He looked back at you and then pointed at you. You looked around.

'Yes you.' He said.

You slowly stepped forwards. He opened his hand again. You hesitated a bit before grabbing his hand. Voldemort guided you forwards with him until he stopped.

'You have shown extraordinary loyalty and companionship. You've been nothing else but a great support to me and it would gave me the greatest pleasure if we could end this battle and rule over the wizarding world.. together.' He said.

You couldn't stop smiling. You couldn't believe he was asking you this.

'Of course.. my lord.' You answered as if it was nothing.

You smiled up at him.

'Now that we got that sorted..' he started. 'And now it's time to declare yourself. Come forwards and join us... or die.' He spoke.

'Draco...' Lucius spoke. 

Draco made his way out of the crowd. You saw him looking at you two. You casually moved a little closer to Voldemort. He looked at you and didnt seem to mind.

Draco walked towards the front. Voldemort embraced him first before he could go to his parents.

You watched a boy step forwards. You knew him. Neville Longbottom.

'Well, I must say I'd hoped for better.' Voldemort spoke. 

You laughed and so did the others.

'And who might you be, young man?' He asked. 

'Neville Longbottom.'

He wasnt going to be very useful.. but you always needed someone to clean.

'Well, Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our rank.'

'I'd like to say something.' He interrupted him.

'Well, Neville, I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say.'

'It doesn't matter that Harry is gone.' He started.

'Stand down Neville!' Seamus spoke.

'People day everyday! Friends, family. Yeah... We lost Harry tonight. He's still with us. In here.' Neville pointed at his heart and looked at the students.

Voldemort was quite annoyed by what he was saying. He would be able to keep his cook though.. you were sure.

'So as Fred, Remus, Tonks... All of them.' He continued. 'They didn't die in vain. But you will! Because you're wrong! Harrys heart did beat for us! For all of us!' Neville looked at you and Draco. 'Even for the two of you! And now it's over!' Neville yelled while grabbing the sword of gryffindor from the hat he was holding.

Harry let himself fall to the ground. Everyone looked at him and Voldemort was even more confused. You reached for you wand and shot a spell at him. Voldemort grabbed your hand and stopped you.

Death eater were fleeing all around you.. as if they believed it was over.. it wasnt! Voldemort could win!

'Calm down. Itll be okay. We can take him.' Voldemort spoke calmly.

You lowered your wand and looked at him.

'Go distract him.' He said. 'And if I dont come back-'

'Which you will, my lord.'

'Of course.. remember that you've been the best one out of all of them.'

Voldemort wanted to walk away. You couldn't let him. You grabbed his wrist. He turned around.

'I'm sorry my lord.. but.. do you really want me by your side?' You asked.

'Of course I do.' He said.

He moved some hair out of your face (if possible) and rested his hand on your cheek. He then shortly pressed his lips against you before apparating away.

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