George x reader ~ how

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Requested by: Emmaleblanc66



'What's up?' Fred asked while staring at his brother.

George had asked him to discuss something. As twins they always shared everything. He really needed some advice.

'Well.. you know how we've known Y/N for ages.'

You were best friends with Fred and George. You were a dangerous trio, having so much fun at Hogwarts. Since year one you had been hanging out with them.

George had developed a problem though. He had feelings for you. For awhile now he had been feeling that way. He never had the gut to tell anyone. Not even Fred.

'Would be weird if I didnt know.' Fred joked. 'What's up with Y/N?'

George took a deep breath.

'Well.. I kinda like her.. a lot.' George said. 'Like as in.. I'm in love with her.'

Fred just looked at him for a moment before smiling. Fred knew something was up between you two. It was quite obvious that you and him were closer than ever. Fred didnt even mind.

'You really think I didnt know that? I was just waiting for you to tell me.' Fred laughed.

George sighed in relief and smiled. It made him feel better to know Fred already kinda knew.

'I want to tell her.. but I dont know how.'

Fred got up and sat down besides his brother.

'Y/N is a casual girl. You're overthinking this way too much, this is what you're going to do..'


You waited outside. Fred and George were late. You waited in the common room for awhile but when they didnt come you decided to head outside already.

It was midnight. You had to sneak out for this but you knew it was always worth it. It didnt take long before George appeared.

George always cheered you up. Fred did too but George had something special to you. You had been friends for so long, you never expected to catch feelings.

'You're late.' You sighed. 'And where's Fred?'

'He fell asleep. I tried to wake him up but he just told me to go without him.' George said. 'I hope you dont mind.'

You grinned.

'Of course I dont.' You said. 'So what's the plan?'

George wanted to tell you but you got too excited. Usually when you sneaked out at night you'd prepare prank with them. There were so many ideas that you discussed which you could do.

'Oh! Are we going to put that sleep draught in Snapes cup?' You guessed.

'No, we-'

'Oh I know! We are going to plant fireworks in the headmaster office!'

'No, but-'

'Please tell me we're finally going to cover the food with giggle potion!'

George grabbed your arms.

'Calm down.' He grinned. 'No prank today. I just want to show you something. Just follow me.'

George started walking. You decided to follow him. He took you towards the astronomy tower. Seeing you dropped astronomy you hadnt been there for ages.

You followed him up the stairs. He took you all the way to the top. When you were there we walked towards the edge of the tower.

You stopped for a moment to look at him. He was super handsome in your opinion. The way he stood there made you melt inside.

'Dont be scared.' He smiled.

You walked over to him and stopped besides you. You looked up at the sky filled with stars. Hogwarts was beautifully lit in the distance. The view was mesmerising.

'This is amazing! Look at all the stars!'

George was looking at you. The way your eyes sparkled with joy. The moonlight lighting up your face.. the massive smile on your face. You noticed his eyes on you. You turned your head to look at him.

'What?' You asked with a shy smile. 'The beautiful view is there. You're not even looking.'

'I am looking.' He smiled.

He turned his head back to watch the view. You allowed your eyes to take it all in. It was magnificent.

A breeze blew through the tower. You shivered a little at the cold feeling. George looked at you right away. He saw your goosebumps but you seemed unbothered. George took off his jacket and walked up behind you. He covered you with it.

'George.. it's my own fault.'

'No I made you wait outside.'

He rested his hands on your upper arms. You felt his body behind you and leaned a little onto it.

'Actually its nice that Fred isnt here for a change. I've been meaning to talk to you.'

Your heart skipped a beat when he said that.

'Oh yeah.. what's up?'

You turned yourself around and looked at him.

'I.. I know this can ruin everything but I dont want it to. If you say no nothing will be awkward.. but.. I just really like you. I think more than I want to admit..'

George was just chatting on, trying to not make it awkward seeing he expected a no but your brain was just overjoyed. Your heart was beating incredibly fast. George just kept talking and talked so you interrupted him by kissing him.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now