Draco x weasley!reader ~ isn't it special?

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Requested by: Allieuno128



The great hall was completely empty. Dinner was over and the hall was empty. You were just sitting there, minding your own business.

You knew you were supposed to be in your dorm but you didnt care. You were a gryffindor. Y/N Weasley, Ron's twin. You didn't really care about the rules here. You just wanted to have fun.

At night when the entire room was quite.. it was quite beautiful to look up at the bewitched ceiling. There were stars.. many of them.

You heard someone walk in. For a second you feared detention.. not that you cared much about having it but it would just take another evening away from you.

Then you saw Draco appear. The bleached blonde, grey eyed, daddies boy. The master of the slytherin house.. the only guy you seemed to have a weakness for.

You two were sworn enemies.. at least you kept that up. You liked him and you hated yourself for it.

Draco had the exact same thing. It was because you literally didn't care about the rules and always did what you wanted. He looked at you and you looked at him.

'What are you doing here?' He asked.

'I could ask you the same.'

You looked back up at the ceiling. Draco walked into the great hall. He let his eyes look at the ceiling we well.

Draco was there to just be alone for a moment. His life was a mess with everything that was going on.

Normally when you and Draco saw each other you would shoot nasty remarks too each other right away but you both didnt really feel like it was necessary now.

He sat down a few meters away from you. You both felt like you had to say something.. but you both didn't know what.

'I don't bite, you know.' You said.

Draco looked at you. As soon as he did your eyes looked straight into his. It made your heart skip a beat.

'How am I supposed to know?' He asked.

'Do I look like a vicious dog to you?' You asked with a small grin.

This was new. You two said five sentences to each other without screaming or scoffing. Draco got up and sat down opposite of you. You turned your head back up. Draco looked at you. He was confused by why you didn't call him a "empty headed slug" yet. It was your favourite thing to call him.

'You can stop staring now.' You said while a tiny smile.

'I wasn't staring.' Draco said while looking away from you.

'Isn't it special? We haven't even called each other names yet..' you said.

You looked at him. Draco then dared to turn his head back to you.

'I feel like you don't hate me as much as you say.' You pointed out.

'M-Me? You're one to talk.'

You turned your fill body towards Draco and leaned your head on your arm.

'So what's the deal?' You asked. 'Why haven't you called me a blood traitor yet?'

'Why haven't you called me a empty headed slug yet?' He shot back at you.

You laughed shortly.

'Good question.'

'I know, I asked it.'

You shook your head with a small blush and smile. It made Draco blush and smile too.

'You know, it's kinda nice to know you can be okay too.' You said while looking at the table.

'Of course I can be.. we just decided we weren't going to be okay with each other and we kinda kept that up.'

That was true. You never even properly spoke to Draco. You just loved fighting with him.. but this also felt nice.

Draco did want to try to tell you. If you really hated him you would've told him to go away or you would be fighting by now.

'You know.. if we really hated each other that much we wouldn't be sitting here like this. I feel like you like me more than you show.'

You shrugged.

'Perhaps.' You said while looking back at the table. 'I could say the same about you.'

'You could. I wouldn't say you're wrong.'

Your eyes shot up at him. You didn't expect him to actually admit that.

'So where does that leave us? Are we going to keep pretending or will you kiss me already?' He bluntly said.

You looked at him in shock but you could feel the redness of your face gave away that you wanted to kiss him very badly.

Draco got up and climbed over the table. He sat down besides you, grabbed your chin and gently pressed his soft lips against yours.

You closed your eyes and allowed yourself to move a little closer to him. Draco deepened the kiss right away when you did. He let your face go and laid his and on the side of your face.

This felt right for both of you. Even though you both knew no one was going to agree with that. Luckily you loved disobeying everyone.

'She has to be here somewh- oh my god.'

You pulled back right away and saw the golden trio and Fred and George.

'Get you filthy hands of my sister.' Ron hissed while walking towards you two.

'Ron no!' You exclaimed.

'No?!' He asked.

'No! Guys, calm down.' You sighed.

'Calm down?!' Fred and George asked in unison.

'Yes calm down! This is non of your business!' You hissed. 'Gosh just let me be happy for a second. We can talk about this later.'

You got up and looked at Draco. He got up too, grabbed your hand and you two left the great hall.

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