Tom Riddle x reader ~ snake

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Requested by: NeroDevil0

Keep in mind that this is a fanfic and that I changed some things.




Tom scanned around the great hall. Maybe he would be able to recognise the person if he'd see them. It could've been anyone.

The cloak and the darkness made it almost impossible for him to know. He didnt even know whether to look for a boy or girl.

He was patrolling the halls when he discovered you.. of course he didn't know it was you. All he saw was someone in disguise speaking parseltongue. When he noticed you, you ran away and he followed you. You managed to escape.

You and Tom were in the same house and got along. You'd talk about class but nothing more. You were slightly nervous now. Did he recognise you? You saw him looking around the common room. He did know that it had to be a slytherin.

Tom sat down with his friends. You focused back on your food. You've been trying to tame that snake. You found it around the hogwarts school grounds. No one could know you could speak parseltongue.. and you also weren't allowed to have a pet snake.

You did want to continue doing it. You just had to be more careful. Luckily you were in disguised. He couldn't have recognised you. Impossible.. right? Else he would've talked to you. He saw you just then.

You had to stop worrying. Else he would totally know it was you. If he had recognised you he would've told you. He was a prefect so he could.

You just started eating and talking to your best friend. This wasn't going to stop you. Finally you could use your abnormal talent. It was a talent people feared.


You looked up at your friend.

'Are you okay?'

'Yeah, continue.' You smiled.


After midnight you strolled the halls again. You didnt care, you weren't scared. You were faster then he was. You could run away. The snake needed you.

You watched your every move. You had the hood of your cloak pulled over your head. You watched every corridor before stepping into them. You just needed to get to the place you were yesterday.

You could move the snake to another part of the castle so Tom wouldn't be able to find you again.

You peeked around the corner and quickly hurried into the corridor. You saw the snake laying around there. Not many people ever used this corridor.

You crouched down besides the snake that slowly slithered towards you.

(Everything that's written like this: hello, is in parseltongue)

'It's okay, I'm back. It's me.'

The snake then slowly moved his head up. You gently moved your hand towards it and it moved around your arm so you could pick it up.

'You already look a lot better. I'm going to have to move you though. I have to keep you safe until I can bring you home with me. You big cutie.'

Tom heard you. He was already there. He could understand you. He wanted to know who you were. He had to turn you in.

He saw how you slowly got up. He saw the snake around your arms. He quickly approached you. He then laid his hand on your shoulder. You let out a tiny yell as you turned around. You looked straight at Tom. He couldn't properly see you face.

'You're supposed to be in your common room.' He said.

'I was just going there.' You spoke with a slightly lower voice you normally would.

Tom moved the hood of your head. He looked straight into your bright eyes.


'So how long is my detention?' You sighed.

You never got into trouble. Tom knew that. If there was anyone who was always doing what they were supposed to do,it was you.

'Depends on what you're doing here.. with a snake.'

Tom was intrigued by the snake. You named it Nagini. It would late inspire Tom to name his "snake" (seeing nagini is a woman) like that. Of course by then he didnt know that.

'That's my business.'

'You know.. I could understand every word you were saying. No need to pretend that you're super mysterious.' Tom grinned.

He was still holding on to you. The snake was slithering up your arm a little and moving around.

'I dont know what you're talking about.'

'You know exactly what I'm talking about.' He then said.

You were a little shocked. You looked at him.

'So who are you?' Tom said while looking at the snake who's head was slowly heading towards him.

'This is Nagini..' you said. 'I found her at the castle grounds.. she needs care. There is something wrong I just dont know what. She's so calm and tame. I was planning on hiding her until thos Christmas break so I can take her home.'

Tom looked at you. Of course your intentions were good. How could they not be.

'Right, Nagini?' You smiled.

Nagini's head turned back to you while she moved back toward you, only to laid her head on your arm and rested it there.

'I'll bring her back to the forest and I'll go to the headmaster with you.'

'No..' he said.

You looked up at him.

'Keep her here, no snake is ever like this. If you say she needs help I'll believe you. I'll even back you up.'

'Tom, you're a prefect.'

'I know.. but I love snakes.'

You smiled.

'Thank you.'

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now