Draco x reader ~ forgive

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Requested by: Blackxvelvet

Your name is venus Potter but I'm going to try to use the name as little as I can so its readable for everyone!



You were holding Draco's hand while walking through the corridor. You just had potions and now you had a free period.

People often questioned what was wrong with you. You were dating the person who hated your brother.. he was on a completely different side.. Draco was such a sweet person under that hard exterior. He was really struggling eith his family and you were one of the most positive things in his life.

'Hold on a second, I gotta ask Harry something.'

You let Draco go and walked over to Harry.


He turned around. As soon as he saw Draco behind you, you saw him sigh a little. Harry didn't approve of your relationship but you didn't care. You faught a lot and weren't as close as you used to be.. but you weren't going to choose between him or Draco.

'Yeah?' He asked.

'Could you show me the notes you took during DADA.. I missed a part and I don't remember what.'

'Ask your boyfriend.' He sighed.

He wanted to turn back around. You grabbed his shoulder and turned him back.

'Don't be like this.' You hissed. 'I'm your sister and I'm asking for help.'

'And I'm telling you to ask your boyfriend seeing you always do that anyways and end up using his.'

'He doesn't know it either. Harry umbridge is going to kill me if I don't have this!'

He looked at Draco and then back at you. He snorted and passed you quite a disgusting look. Even when Draco and you used to fight he would never look at you with such a look. It was almost pure hatred.

'I'm not giving you my notes if you're going to share them with that moron.' He snapped.

'You're such an asshole. I swear Harry, I'm not saying that I'm going to share them with him. You know what Umbridge does during detention. You can't let me go through that again.'

Last time really messed you up. You hardly got into trouble. You went to Harry right away. He comforted you for a small second and then Draco found you. Harry of course didn't like it that you seemed comfort in the embrace of your boyfriend.

'You'll have Draco to help you then, don't you? It also won't surprise me if he is the reason you don't have the notes in the first place.. seeing that he rather distracts you then giving a damn about you following classes.'

'What is your problem?!' You asked.

'He is my problem and you know it.' He hissed. 'I refuse to contribute to things you're giving him.'

'Stop being like this! I'm your sister, I love you and I need your help.' You tried. 'I help you all the time.'

'Yeah when Malfoy isn't keeping you away from me.'

You couldn't take his jealousy. It was awful.

'You're supposed to love me, no matter what. We always only had each other.. I can't believe you're judging me like this.. I can't believe you hate me because of this.'

'I don't hate you, I hate him!' Harry almost yelled.

'I didn't say or do anything to deserve such a reaction from you. I know you two had your differences but he tried to get you to at least think neutral of him. I dont expect you to be friends but I expect you to try. To care because he makes me happy.'

Nothing you said was ever getting through to him. Draco didn't even interfere anymore because it only made it worse any time he did.

'He doesn't make you happy. One day he'll treat you horribly and you'll come to me crying and I'll happily tell you that I told you so.'

'You're such an awful person. Are you listening to yourself! Harry I-'

'Shut up and leave me alone.' He said.

'No, harry!'

You grabbed his arm. He turned around and hit you across the face. You gasped in pain while you laid your hand against your painful cheek. You looked at him in shock while tears came up in your eyes.


'The way you look at me.. with so much anger that it's almost hatred.. the things you say to me.. slapping me.. you're worse than a Malfoy could ever treat me.'

You walked away from him. Draco hurried after you and he grabbed your wrist. You turned around. He pulled you into a hug right away. You broke down crying on his shoulder.

Draco didn't know what to say so he didn't say anything. He just kissed the side of your head.

'I don't know what to do anymore. Nothing seems to get through to him.. he slapped me. He has never done that before.'

'I dont get why he keeps so much hatred towards you.' Draco said. 'I didn't interfere because it always makes it worse.. I'm sorry I didn't say anything.'

You let him go and kissed him shortly.

'It's not your fault. It's his.'


You avoided Harry. You didn't want to see his face. He felt incredibly guilty. He knew you were right. He was worse than Malfoy and he didn't like it.

Every time he tried to approach you, you'd walk away. He pushed you even further into Malfoys arms by being this mean to you. That was maybe what he thought was the most awful thing.

Harry saw you sitting in the common room. As soon as you noticed him you got up. Harry ran over to you and grabbed your wrist.

'Don't you touch me with your filthy hands.' You hissed.

'You have to listen to me! Please I've been trying to talk to you.'

'I don't feel like talking to you.'

'Then just listen. I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry that I slapped, I'm sorry I got mad. I don't hate you, I love you and you're my favourite person out there. I will respect your choice. I will if you please just talk to me again!'

'You just expect me to forgive you?! Just like that! I can't Harry.'

'Then let me work on it! Let me show you that I can change. You know I need you. You're that only family I have which I like!'

You looked at him. You also knew you couldn't do without him. But it was going to take time.

'Fine.. but don't you think you're in the clear.'

Harry laughed and hugged you. You sighed and hugged him back.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now