Draco x Riddle!reader ~ convince

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Requested by: Nikki_Lycan



Draco walked upstairs to find you. He felt kinda bad that he had to do this. Your father asked him too. He didn't know what the consequences would be if he didn't.

He was struggling with what he had to be. He was dating you. Tom Riddles daughter.. You were so sweet.. nothing like your father. He loved you a lot.

Your dad asked Draco to convince you to join him during the death eater meeting and join the dark side.

Draco felt bad that he had to change your mind.. but he also wanted someone to join him and help him out. He felt so alone as a death eater. You understood him but couldn't stand by him.

Draco entered his room and saw you reading on the bed. You looked up and smiled right away when you saw Draco.

'Hey, I see a handsome boy.' You smiled.

'Well I see a beautiful girl.' He grinned while sitting down besides you.

'What's up pretty boy?' You asked before giving him a small kiss.

'I just needed to talk to you. I feel kind of shit.' He said.

You looked at him. Living with the Malfoys wasn't easy. Luckily you had Draco. You were a massive disappointment to your father. You were friends with the golden trio and Draco had been trying to keep you away from them. You know your father wanted you to join him but you refused. You didn't want Draco to feel bad.

'What's wrong?' You asked while closing your book and looking at him.

'I haven't really shared it but.. I guess I just feel alone.' He spoke.

You looked at him and moved a little closer to him.

'You feel alone?'

'Yes.. I'm the youngest death eater here, my father determines my life, there is no one who can help me.'

'I help you.' You said.

'Yes but.. You can't help me with everything. That's why I often feel alone.'

'Because I'm not a death eater?' You asked.

He just nodded. Draco wasn't even lying. He didn't feel alone. He just wanted someone to understand what he was going through.

'You know I don't want to have anything to do with it.'

'I know.. it just would be some much easier.'

You missed this cheek and laid your head on his shoulder.

'I love you Draco, I have since 4th year.. You get why I can't do this.'

'I know.. It's just that there is this meeting coming up.. with all the death eater and I just know that it's going to be horrible. I just don't want to be there in a room filled with people and yet be alone.'

You grabbed his hand and sat back up.

'I truly admire you Draco.' You said. 'I'm proud of how you're dealing with this.'

'At least you love me.' He smiled. 'I just sometimes wish that I had you there with me so we could help each other. Like this I can't help you with your father struggles and you can't help me with my stuff.'

Draco looked at you. You could see that he was bothered. He never told you all of this before.

'I'm not asking you to become a death eater..' he said.

He actually did have to ask you but right now he just wanted to get you to that meeting.

'I just want you to be there.' He said.

'Where?' You asked.

'During the meeting.' He said while looking at his hand.

'During the meeting? Are You insane?!'

'No.. No I just.. I want someone there who can support me.'

Draco let his head hang down. You looked at him. You couldn't do this. You really couldn't.. but you also wanted to help Draco. He had been there for you. He managed yo convince your dad that dating him was a good idea.

'I know you don't want it but I need you Y/N. I'm always there for you and I know you try to be there for me but it's difficult I just-'

'I won't join my father.. but I'll be there.'

He looked at you. He grabbed your hand.

'Really?' He asked.

'If it helps you.. Really.' You smiled.

Draco leaned in and pressed his lips against yours.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now