Sirius x bullied!reader ~ perfect

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Requested by: made_up_world



You couldn't get it out of your head. No matter how hard you tried. Their voices were still roaming through your head.

'Even a murtlap look better then you do.'
'Everyone questions how you managed to pass all your years.'
'No one gets why your the one with a boyfriend. You're just straight up boring.'

You were staring at the table. Your food infront of you. You hated this. You didnt want it to get to you but it did. You tried your hardest to stay positive but every day youd hear the same nasty comments.

You had a very low self esteem but you didnt want to bother Sirius with it. Sirius was your boyfriend. You had been together since your 4th year and you really loved him.

'Are you okay?'

You looked up at looked at James. You managed to work up a weak smile and nodded. You turned back to your food and took a bit.

You had been really quiet. Sirius disliked it. You were always very talkative to him. You two could talk about anything. This was unlike you.

'You dont seem okay.. you're quiet.'

'Oh, I'm sorry.' You said.

'No no it's okay.. just weird for you. I'm worried about you.'

You sighed and looked away from him. Sirius grabbed your hand.

'Why do you even like me?' You asked. 'I'm not worth your love.. I'm ugly and dumb and boring.'

Sirius had never heard this from you before. He was surprised and didnt get why you even thought that.

'Where is this suddenly coming from.'

Your eyes looked at the girls who always said these things to you. Sirius saw them staring and laughing. It hurt to see this. Why did he never notice this?

'You shouldnt listen to them Y/N.. you have no idea what they're talking about.'

You didnt say anything and just looked at the table. Sirius laid his finger under your chin and pulled your head up. You looked at him. He smiled at you.

'You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met. With your gorgeous H/C H/L hair and you're beautoful E/C eyes.'

It made you blush and smile a little. Sirius was determined to cheer you up. He wanted to do anything be could to make you feel better.

'You're not dumb Y/N. You've been getting Outstandings and Exceeds Expectations in almost all of your classes.'

That was true. You worked very hard for it. This school was such a dream to you. You really wanted to try hard to become what you wanted to be after Higwarts.

'It takes a lot of effort to do that and great brain power. Even I cant do that.'

Sirius looked at the girls for a moment and then back at you.

'They're just jealous because the maximum they get is an Acceptable.' He grinned.

Your smile grew a little wider. Sirius' plan was working. He wasnt planning on stopping now. He loved you too much to let you walk around sad.

'And boring?! Dont make me laugh. While they are safely in their beds at night you help me and my friends prank people and wonder the school at night!'

That was also true.

'You play the most amazing games of quidditch and you have quite a mysterious personality if you ask me. That's why I like you.'

He then almost saw the smile he wanted to see. Sirius moved his hand past your cheek for a moment and smile at you.

'Every time I look at you and you catch me staring.. and you smile at me.. I just fall more in love with you.' He smiled. 'With every smile, with every time you touch me, every word you say to me, every adventure we go on.. I just fall for you more.'

Sirius laughed as he saw your face becoming more red. It was cute to see.

'Dont ever let them make you doubt yourself. I love you, I need you and no will ever be more perfect than you.'

You blushed and pressed your lips against his. Sirius gladly kissed you back. He made it last a little longer before allowing you to pull back.

'I love you.' Sirius smiled.

'I love you too.' You smiled. 'Thank you.'

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now