Charlie x reader ~ perv

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You're as old as the Weasley twins which means there is an age gap of 6 years between you and Charlie.
This happens after the war so Fred and George (Fred is alive bc I thought that would suit the oneshot better) are aware of this fact and make jokes towards Charlie about him being a perv/perverted.

I do not in any way mean to make the Weasley twins look bad, it is a "joke gotten out of hand" kind of idea which creates drama in the Weasley home. I also do not in any way intended to say that if you are in a relationship with an age gap of 6 years that you're a pervert.

This is all for a bit of drama in the oneshot (which was requested with it) and is not meant to portray a character mean or make my own opinions stand out. Because I dont really care how big your age gap as, as long as you're happy, I am.

This oneshot will contain some POV changes and time skips so please keep that in mind.

I hope you enjoy!

Requested by: shadowcrawn


It was the night of the first quidditch match after the war. It was The Holyhead Harpies against the Ballycastle Bats. It was going to be amazing.

You were all dressed up for it. You were with your parents. They already had their seats. You just went to get some drinks.

You headed back towards your seat but when you did you stumbled across Fred and George weasley. They had been in the same years at Hogwarts as you. Only in a different house.

'Blimey, Y/N.' Fred smiled.

'Hey guys. Good to see you.' You smiled.

'How have you been?' George smiled.

'Good, how about you guys?'

You saw another guys approach them. He was taller than them but also had red hair. Before talking to Fred and George he just stopped and looked at you. You smiled at him.

'Who's that?' You asked.

George turned around.

'That's our brother Charlie.' He said while turning back.

Charlie came a little closer. His eyes linked with yours. You went all up in those pretty eyes. He had something you found really interesting.

'Now that you know who I am, it's only fair if I know who you are.'

'I'm Y/N Y/L.' You smiled. 'I used to be with them at Hogwarts.'

'Guys!' Someone yelled.

'That's mum, I was supposed to come get you.' Charlie said.

'Maybe we'll see you later.' Fred smiled. 'It was nice seeing you again.'

Fred and George started walking away. You looked at Charlie who was still there.

'It was nice to meet you.' He smiled.

'Yeah same to you.' You smiled back.

He walked away as well. Before leaving your sight he turned around and smiled shortly. You smiled back and walked back towards your parents.


Charlie spend the night after the game at his parents house. Right after the game they went home for some dinner. But he couldnt eat.

Charlie missed half the game because he was scanning the audience to see if he could find you. You swept him off his feet. Your smile, your eyes, your.. everything.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now