draco x weasley!reader ~ break up with her or leave | part 2

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You slowly let Draco go. You had no idea what your family was going to think off this. You never told them about you and Draco.

'Y/N, who is it?' Molly asked while stepping out of the kitchen.

You turned around and looked at your mother. She looked at Draco in shock. This was bad. This was very bad.

'Mum, please-'

'Bloody hell..'

Ron was standing on the stairs. Equally shocked. You looked at Draco. He looked unsure of what to do.

'What's that git doing here?!' Ron asked, anger in his voice. 'Get away from my sister!' He hissed while walking towards the door.

When he came closer to you, you pushed him away.

'What are you doing?!' Ron asked.

'What's the fuss down here?' Ginny asked while walking down the stairs as well. 'Oh dear..'

As soon as basically the rest of you family walked through the door. You panicked, stepped outside and slammed the door behind you. You leaned your back against the door and held the door tightly to make sure no one could open it.

'I knew I shouldnt have come here.' Draco sighed. 'God I'm so stupid.'

'No. No you're not.' You spoke softly, hoping everyone behind the door couldnt hear you. 'That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. You literally left your home for me.'

Draco walked over to you. You stared at him, your breath shivering.

'I just havent told them yet.'

'I know.' Draco said while laying his hand on the side of your face.

He shortly pressed his lips against yours. You took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. All your siblings and your parents were staring at you. Draco walked in after you. Ron slowly reached for his wand.

'Ronald. Dont.' You hissed.

He sighed and slowly moved his hand away from his wand again.

'I know this must be.. shocking.. but I'm not surprised that Draco is here.'

'Draco? You mean Malfoy?' Fred asked.

'No. Draco.' You sighed. 'Can you guys just listen?!' You asked a little irritated.

'Let her talk.' Molly sighed.

You turned to Draco and offered him your hand. He hesitated before grabbing it. You pulled him besides you.

'Draco and I have been secretly dating for awhile. His dad found out and ask him to break up with me or he had to leave. So he left.'

They all looked at you in shock.

'You left your family home to be with my daughter?'

'Basically, sir. I just came here in desperate need. I have no where to stay.'

'May he stay... please?' You asked.

Molly stepped forwards. She walked over to Draco and laid her hand on his shoulder.

'Did you travel far? Are you hungry? I'll make a bed for you in Y/Ns room.'


Molly turned around to Ron.

'Stop it. If you dont like it you can go live upstairs.' Molly hissed.

Molly guided Draco to the kitchen. You followed after them but before you could, your father stopped you.

'Its a shame to hear you kept it a secret. You know you can tell us everything. We will never judge you.'

You looked at him. It wasnt that you didnt trust them or that you think they'd judge you. It was your siblings.. they judged Draco all the time and you didnt want to be judged by them.

'Its not you.. it's not mum..' you sighed. 'Its them.' You said while looking up at your siblings.

Arthur looked at them while you walked away. You peeked into the kitchen. Your mother was making some food while talking to Draco.

'Are you sure? I can make you a sweater in the meantime and I'm sure ron has some pants you can borrow.'

'It's fine. I have someone gathering my stuff. I already wrote a letter.'

'Your suit isnt a good pyjama. You dont think I'd let you sleep naked in my little girls room. I'll get it sorted for you.'

Draco grinned and shook his head. He looked at the door and noticed you. He smiled.

'Getting along?' You asked.

'Of course we are.' molly smiled. 'You should've told me, honey.'

'I know mum. I know.. but I was afraid of what all the other children here would say. You see how they responded.'

You walked over to them and stopped next to Draco. He gently laid an arm around you and held you close to him.

'They dont make the rules. I do.' Your mother smiled. 'Draco, your food is ready.'

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now