Cedric x reader ~ Im not ready

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Requested by: IIPheonixFireII

You're a Slytherin!



'Cedric..' you said while pushing through the crowd. 'Cedric!' You yelled away while you saw him walking infront of you.

You finally managed to reach him. You grabbed his wrist and he stopped and turned around. He passed you a sweet smile but it quickly faded when he saw the sad look in your eye.

'Hey Y/N.' He said. 'Is everything okay?'

The amount of people around you made you nervous. You immediately didnt know what to say anymore.

Cedric had been your friend since first year. Even though you were a Slytherin and he was a Hufflepuff. You were very closed off and didnt like being around a lot of people. He managed to break through to you and get you to open up.

You cant deny that you developed feelings for him. He was the only one who got close to you.. but now you found out he was chosen for the Triwizard tournament. You begged him not to enter. You told him you needed him and he still did it. He told you "what are the chances of me being chosen?" And now he got chosen.

You couldnt lose him. Who else were you supposed to trust? You had no one besides him. He was the only one who could help you through your life. The thought of him possibly dying destroyed you inside.

Cedric saw the tears in your eyes. He grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the busy hallway. He took you outside where you could have a nice chat.

'Hey, what's wrong?' He asked with a worried looked on his face.

'What wrong?' Your asked while clearly holding back your tears. 'Are you kidding me? What's wrong?' You sniffed while punching him against his arm.


Cedric looked at you as tears streamed down your cheeks. You wiped them away but before you knew it new ones escaped.

'Talk to me.' Cedric said.

'Talk to you? I will while I still can! I told you not to enter your name mister "what's the chance that I'd get chosen?"'

You furiously kept wiping your tears away, refusing to even look at Cedric. Cedric sighed and laid his hand on your upper arm.

'Hey.. it's okay-'

'Its okay?!' You almost yelled. 'Its not okay! I told you I need you, I told you you couldnt do it because your the only one I have! You're risking not only your life but also mine! I have no one, Cedric. I have no one except for you! I told you!' You cried.

Cedric never meant to hurt you. He just thought it was cool to join in. He really didn't think he would be chosen. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you against him.

'I'm not ready to lose you. I'm not. Why do you never listen to me?'

Cedric grinned a little as he kissed the top of your head. He knew you would be hurt but he never expected him. He pushed you away for a moment and ran his thumbs past your cheek to wipe your tears away.

'I'm not going anywhere. I'm not planning on dying. I'll stay safe for you and I will be with you. All I need is your support and help during the tournament and I promise you.. I will live.'

'You cant promise that Cedric. What am I supposed to do without you? Tell me. What? I cant talk to anyone, I cant even trust people. You're the only one and you always will be.'

Cedric laid his forehead against yours and grabbed your hand. Hearing you sob broke his heart. The way you were crying to him, spilling out your fears. It broke him.

'Look at me.' He said.

You slowly managed to bring your eyes up to meet his. Him being so close to your scared you.

'I'm right here. I'm alive, I'm here with you. You feel that, right?' He asked.

You only nodded, unable to bring out words because of your shaking breath.

'I'll always be here. I wont die. I wont. Let's not focus on the bad side right now. Purely because I'm in the tournament doesnt mean I'll die.' He said.

'But I-'

'I know you're scared. I know you are.' Cedric said. 'But with you by my side I'll be unstoppable. I just need you to support me and tell me it's okay.'

You didnt know what to say. You just looked at him and pressed your lips against his. Cedric was surprised for a moment but you felt his hand hold onto your tighter as he other hand made it's way towards the back of your head. He laid it there and deepened the kiss before he pulled back.

'Is that a yes?' he asked.

You just hugged him. He held you tightly.

'You know I also knew you had a thing for me.' He grinned.

'Shut up.' You smiled.

'Is that a smile I see.'

You playfully slapped him while letting him go. He kissed your forehead and smiled.

'I'll be with you forever.' he smiled.

'Promise?' You asked.

'I promise.'

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now