Draco x pregnant!reader ~ come with me

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Requested by: Anonymous

I have more of these coming up. Not with Draco but with pregnant people. So enjoy this first one lol


You were nervously waiting for madam pomfrey to come back. She was the only one to trusted. This couldn't be happening.. this wasn't right.

You used to be taunted and bullied a lot seeing you were in slytherin and related to Harry. It was a horrible time.. terrible.. until you met Draco.

Draco completely changed your life around. Before you knew it you were popular and everyone liked you. He helped you so much.

After a long party you and Draco ended up sharing the bed.. things happened between you two. You didnt know that when you woke up but later on remembered it..

You remembered it because.. first you got sick.. you skipped your period.. your stomach was growing but not like fat.. you thought you were pregnant and was now with Madam pomfrey to check it.

You broke down crying in front of her when. You told her your doubts. She promised never to tell anyone and was really supportive for you. It helped a lot seeing you weren't counting of Draco.

Draco became cold to you. You two had such a good relationship but now he didnt want to have anything to do with you. It hurt you a lot. You really liked him. If this was true he had to know.

You wanted to keep it if it was true. It was a dream since you were little to become pregnant but not this young.. whether Draco wanted to be a part of it would be his choice..

You didnt even know if you were pregnant. You watched madam pomfrey walked towards you. She sat down opposite of you and laid her hand on your upper leg to comfort you. You looked at her and could already see what she was going to say.

'Y/N, I dont know what you're going to think of this.. but you're pregnant.. 5 weeks.'

You looked at her. You didnt know what to say.

'Just know that I'll be here if need anything. You have to decide what you want. Keep it.. get rid of it.. adoption..'

'I want to keep it.' You said. 'Thank you for helping me. I really appreciate it.'

Madam pomfrey smiled and got up. She hugged you. You hugged her back.

'It will be okay. Make sure you give the father a choice too.'

She let you.

'I will.' You said.

'Make sure you go to the hospital this holiday and when you come back we'll schedule meetings so we can keep an eye on your baby and so we can deliver him or her properly.'

You smiled and nodded. You got up and looked into the rest of the hospital wing. Draco recently got hurt.. but he wasn't there anymore. He left.

You sighed and decided to leave and go look for him. You had to tell him. Now.. it took you awhile before you found him.

Draco was often up in the astronomy tower to relax. Maybe he was there. You walked inside and headed up the stairs. You heard voices. It made you feel nervous. Maybe he was here. At the second floor you saw Harry. He looked at you and you looked at him.

He signed to you that you had to be quiet. You looked at him in confusion. You headed towards him and looked up. You saw Draco.. his wand was pointed ag Dumbledore. You were shocked. What was he doing?!

'Don't you understand! I have to do this... I have to kill you. Else he's going to kill me.'

No.. was he.. no.. no he had to know. Your child couldn't have a killer as a father. You heard other death eater walk up. You couldn't believe this.

'Well... look what we have here.' Bellatrix spoke.

She walked towards Draco and she stopped behind him.

'Well done...' she whispered.

'Good evening Bellatrix. I think introductions are in order.' Dumbledore said.

'I'd love to Albus... but I'm afraid we're on a tight schedule.'

'Do it!' She spoke.

'He doesn't have the stomach. Just like his father... let me finish it in my own way.' One of the boys said.

'No! The dark Lord made clear that they should do it! Come on... This is your moment! Do it! Go! Now!' She yelled.


It was Snape. What wa she doing? What was Draco doing. You had to tell him! He had to know before everything went wrong.


A silence fell and everyone looked at him.


'Avada kedavra!' He spoke.

A green ray his Dumbledor and he flew backwards. Gasped in shock and looked at the scene. They all walked downstairs and harry ran away. You followed him. This wasnt the Draco you knew. You felt a lump in your throat while you headed towards hagirds hut.

'Snape! He trusted you!' You heard Harry shout.

Draco stopped. He looked at you.

'Draco, please I need to tell you something.'

He heard that you were panicking.

'I cant right now. You wouldn't understand.'

'I know we slept together but that shouldn't have changed anything!' You said.

'Its not that. Do you think I want to pull you into this?!' He asked.

'You no longer have a choice!'

'I do! Okay, leave me alone! Go away.' He hissed while turning around.

'I cant Draco! I'm pregnant!' You yelled after him.

Draco stopped. He turned around and looked at you. He saw tears in your eyes as you realised what you did. You told him.

'I'm pregnant.. I found it out today. I want to keep it.. I want you to chose what you want to do.'

'Draco!' Someone yelled.

He looked back. He then looked at you. He saw a tear run down your cheek.

'Come with me.' He said. 'I'll bring you home tomorrow, you dont need to do anything else I just want to talk.'

He couldn't really process this right now. Too much was happening. He teached out to you.

'Nothing will happen to you. I'll bring you back to your parents but we have to talk about his. Please Y/N.'

You looord at Harry and at the burning house.

'I dont wanna be a death eater. My child cant have a dad like this!'

'Y/N, you wont become one. Just come with me to talk. I need to talk to you. Please.. you'll be back home tomorrow.'

You looked at him. You then grabbed his hand. Draco wrapped an arm around you as you ran off..

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