Young!Remus x reader ~ loud

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'Remus this is-'

Remus turned around and pressed his finger against your lips. You looked at him and shut up. You two wanted to sneak around to find a place to hang out.

He offered you his hand. You grabbed it and he guided you the corridors. You were both in your final year and you were head girl from the Slytherins and he was a head boy from me the Gryffindors.

You really liked him and he really liked you too. You just didn't know that from each other yet. You and Remus became friends after you found out he was a werewolf. You were a werewolf too only you could chose when ever you wanted to transform (no not animagus). You helped and taught him how to do it.

Ever since you got to know each other better and before you knew it you developed feelings for him. You were the type to fall for someone quickly but you did. It was weird but also exciting.

Him holding your hand make your heart race. You weren't paying attention. Suddenly Remus pushed you against the wall you looked at him in shock and heard someone walk past the end of the corridor.

'He could've seen us.' Remus spike softly.

Your cheeks shot and red and so did his. You two quickly continued. You took a deep breath and tried to keep yourself focussed.

You had to be. You were head girl. You couldn't get caught. You looked at Remus. He looked at you and smiled. You smiled back at him.

Remus suddenly stopped when your heard something. You two turned around and saw Mrs. Norris. She started meowing and hissing at you.

Remus pulled you away into another corridor. He dragged you into a broomcloset and closed the door.

The closet was smile and he was standing close to you. He turned around and looked you straight in the eye. He placed his index finger against his lips and signed to You that you had to be quiet.

You heard footsteps outside the door. You both were standing there, looking at each other. Your breath was shaving a little and your heart was beating fast.

The footsteps disappeared. You took a deep breath and looked at him.

'That was close.' He whispered.

You grinned and nodded. You reached for the door. Remus looked at you. He grabbed your arm and stopped you.

You looked at him. He seemed to be a little hesitant.

'What's wrong?' You asked.

He stepped a little closer to you. He leaned in and kissed you. You were surprised but you kissed him back. You let go of the door and brought your hand into his hair.

He pulled back and looked at you. You smiled at him.

'What A nice surprising evening.' You smiled.

'I'm just glad you kissed me back.' Remus laughed. 'That could've been really uncomfortable.'

You laughed a little.

'I like you Remus.. don't worry about it.'

You exited the broomcloset and looked straight at Filch. You might have talked a little too loud at the end..

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now