young!james x reader ~ annoying

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Requested by: made_up_world



Why were you even overthinking this? You had no point in waiting anymore. It was time to move on from this.

Move on from what? James Potter of course. You were madly in love with him while he was still in love with Lily. Pathetic that you ever thought he could fall for you.

The yule ball was coming up. Someone else just asked you and he seemed pretty nice. You were desperately waiting for James to ask you but until now he didnt.

'Y/N, hi.'

James pulled you out of your train of thoughts.

'What are you guys talking about?'

You looked at the boy infront of you.

'Alright. I'll go with you.'

'Really?' He asked.

You nodded.

'Alright! I'll see you then!' He smiled.

He walked away. You turned to James and smiled.

'Why was he so happy?' He asked.

'He asked me to the yule ball and I said yes.'

James' smile faded. He looked at you and then at the guy who was walking away.

James didnt really like Lily. He only asked her and hung out with her to make you jealous. Lily was in on it. He managed to persuade her into doing it. This was not how he wanted this to go.

'You said yes to him?' He asked.

'Yes.. everyone around me already has someone so I thought.. why not.'

James didnt know what to do now. So he just walked away. Leaving you confused. After that you hadnt really seen him. You tried not to care seeing you were trying to move on.

James was actually talking to lily about you. How his plan failed and how he couldn't stop thinking about all the things he loved about you.

'You have to face it James.. it didnt work out. You pushed her away too much.'

'If she werent so perfect I wouldnt have tried this hard!' He sighed.

Lily leaned against the wall and sighed. She watched james. He had both anger and sadness in his eyes.

'Maybe you should let it go? Move on.'

'Move on? How can I move on when she's.. when she's her! It's so annoying! She's so annoying.'

Why he said the last sentence you turned around to corner. You stopped and watched the two for a moment.

'Annoying?' Lily asked.

'Yes! With the way she smiles. That stupid smile that always makes me insane. That's how annoying it is.'

Who was he talking about? You had no idea. You wanted to walk away but your curiosity kept you there.

'We're still talking about the same Y/N here right?'

Was he talking about you? You were annoying? He found you annoying..

'Yes we are. With her stupid hair which she always moves out of her face (if possible), or the way she talks to me during potions. Disgusting.'

He didnt actually found it annoying.. he loved all those things about you and that's why he hated that at that point. But of course you didnt know.

You brought your hand to your hair. He hated it when you touched it? You always had fun while talking to him during potions.. but clearly he didnt..

'Or the way she always pops up at random moments. Like when I'm alone and shes like "hey!" like no.'

You didnt want to listen to this anymore. You turned around and left the corridor..


'Hey Y/N.'

You looked up from your potions book and tried to suppress your smile. You didnt want to do any of the annoying things you did. You wanted to be a better person.

'Hi.' You just said while turning towards the front of the class.

It was odd that you didnt start talking to James right away. You always did. It was the best part of this class.

'How are you?' He asked.

'I'm good, just waiting for this class to start.' You said.

You didnt even return the question. Something youd never do. What was going on? You turned your head to your book for a second. Your hair fell infront of your eyes (if possible). You just left it there. You didnt even touch it. You didnt even move it out of the way.

'Are you able to see like that?' He asked.

You just shrugged. Right after that class began. You just took notes. Even when you had to start working you didnt say anything. You just followed the recipe.

James was actually worried about you. After class you just left. You didnt even say bye. You didnt even smile, or wave.

This went on for a few classes. Until a point where he had enough. When he saw you wondering the corridor he grabbed you by your arm.

'What?' You asked.

'Are you sure you're okay? You're hardly talking to me, or smiling at me.'

'So?' You asked.

'So? Are you seriously saying that? What the gell is wrong with you?'

'What the hell is wrong with me? You're the one who said I'm annoying!'

James look at you. His facial expression softened.

'What?' He asked.

'To Lily.. that you hate it when I talk to you during potions or when I touch my hair.. that I smile too much and that I shouldn't pop up out of no where when you're alone..'

James sighed.

'I didnt mean it that way. Listen.. I was just angry because you were going to the yuleball with someone else. I love all those things about you. I was just upset.. because I like you.'

'What about lily?' You asked.

'I was trying to make you jealous.'

You looked at him and sighed but a small smile appeared on your face.

'You're stupid.' You grinned.

'I know.. I'm sorry.'

You hugged him.

'Dont be.'

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now