Fred x bullied!abused!suicidal!reader ~ i wouldnt be

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Reqeusted by: @satanic_angel666

Warning: this story contains mentions of bullying, abuse, selfharm and suicide. This might not be suitable for all readers. If you feel uncomfortable with this subject or hate reading about it I suggest skipping this chapter.


As soon as the post came, you hesitated to open the letter. You played with it in your hands. It was the same every day. Your parents would write you about how much you disappointed the family and how you should be more like your older brother Winston (if you dont have an older brother you have one now)

You decided to open it up. Horrible idea really. You didn't know it of course. That this letter contained far worse content than all the others you were used to. You best friend Draco was sitting besides you.

'I can't believe you still open those letters.' Draco said.

'I'm used to it. They sometimes even share news about home inbetween the insults.' You said.

You sighed and started reading.


After awhile of discussing things we have decided that it is in best interest of the family if you no longer stay at our residence. We will not have such a disgrace living with us anymore. Especially not now the dark lord has returned.

Your bags will be in the garden. They already are now so they might be drenched when you get them but frankly, we dont care.

We don't believe that you can become anything more like your brother. You are truly the most disappointing daughter we could have ever wished for. We never want to see you again after you leave.

Where you're going to stay is your problem. Dont write us.

You stared at the letter in disbelieve. Fred was eying you from the other table. Fred was the only gryffindor that could look passed your house. You were too kind to be a slytherin in his opinion. Everyone knew youd occasionally talk to fred. They didnt know he was one of your best friends. No one knew that he liked you though. Not even you.

Fred got up and walked over to you when he saw the look of pure sadness, anger and pain on your face.


Draco looked up and immediately saw the same. You got up, turned to Fred and hugged him.

'What's wrong?' Fred asked.

'My parents kicked me out of the house..' you choked.

You refused to cry. You hated that and you never wanted your parents to break you. You felt a tap on your shoulder.

You turned around and looked straight in the eyes of your brother. You stepped back and almost stumbled over freds feet. Draco grabbed your hand and managed to keep you standing.

'I see you've heard the news.' He grinned. 'You shouldve been more like me.. but of course no one can. I'm perfect. You're clearly not.'

You didnt say anything.

'I helped them gathering your stuff. I'm glad to have you out of there. You were lowering our standards.' He spat.

You didnt want to listen to this anymore. You pulled your hand out of Draco's and decided to just storm off.

Fred was shocked. He wanted to help you but he had no idea how to at this point.

You headed outside for a moment. You just had to get some fresh air. You had to collect your thoughts and think about where you were gonna stay.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now