Snape x tourette!student!reader ~ Ill try

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Requested by: Loaqis



You hated it.. yet you couldn't change it. You had this for a long time and you were lucky that it wasn't as bad as it could be. All you Did was twitch and make noises. You didn't yell random bad words through the entire classroom.

Potions made it worse.. your Tourette. Shape made you feel nervous. You knew that he had been noticing and he kept getting kore annoyed by it. He didn't know that you were the cause of it. You didn't want him to know.

People already thought it was odd. Luckily your friend was there to support you. You felt your head and shoulder twitching as you tried to hold them back. You were practising with holding it back but it was hard for you to do.

'Y/N, Are you okay?' Your friend asked.

'Yeah.. Shape just makes me feel nervous so my tics are worse.' You said.

You looked up at him and felt a high noise escape from your mouth. You looked back at your work with an embarrassed look at your face while a few students looked around to find the cause.

'He's the only teacher you didn't tell it to. Everyone has been super understanding, he might be too.'

You held your neck and tried to stop yourself from twitching.

'It's Snape we're talking about.' You sighed.

Another noise escaped from your mouth. Snape looked across the classroom. He always heard it but never seemed to know where it came from. It drove him insane. What was this? Some kind of joke?

'Try to relax okay? You're going to break your neck if you keep twitching like that. Normally you can calm it down a little.'

'Don't you think that I'm trying!' You hissed.

'Is there anything I can do to help?' Your friends asked, completely ignoring the fact that you just hissed at him/her.

'No.. just let me work.' You said.

You tried to write and focus. It did help a little but it was still a mess. You sighed in frustration. Before You knew it another sound made its way out of your throat. Snape saw that it was you this time.

'Miss Y/L, do you think it's funny too keep distracting the class like this?' He asked.

You didn't even dare to look up. You twitched for a second and then looked up.

'I'm sorry professor, I'll try to stop.' You said.

'Try?! You're going to stop it's been going on for ages now.' He hissed. 'If I hear you again I'll take off 10 point for your house for every student you bother, have I made myself clear?!' He asked.

You just nodded and looked away from him.

'You have to tell him. He's going to take all of our points away!'

'I can't, okay?! I can't. He will never understand.' You said.

You forcefully covered your mouth and tried to make the sound you had to make less noticeable. Only two students seemed to notice.

'That's 20 points.' Snape hissed.

You looked up at him. You felt miserable. You sighed and felt your twitches coming back. It did hurt quite a lot.. but at this point you rather twitched then make any noise.

This continued for the entire lesson. A total of 170 points were taken from your house. You felt terrible.

'Class dismissed, Miss Y/L, I want to have a word with you about your incredibly disrespectful behaviour.'

You just sat there and waited for everyone to leave. You took a deep breath but this entire situation made your arm lose control. You held it and tried to stop most of it but it was horrible.

Snape walked over to you and saw you struggling. He didn't quite understand what was happening, all he knew was that it was highly annoying.

You didn't even look at him. You felt another noise leave your mouth. Snape stopped right infront of you.

'Do you think it's funny to just shout out random things?' He asked. 'You're distracting everyone!'

'I can't help it professor.' You said.

'You can't help it? What just like the random dance moves you keep doing.'

'They're not dance moves they're twitches.' You said while you actually twitched.

'Twitches?' He asked.

You just nodded.

'I don't care what they are. You just need to stop! You're distracting everyone and your fellow house mates won't like it that you keep losing points.'

You looked up at him. He saw that you were feeling quite miserable. He didn't really know what to do. Was he wrong to get mad at you?

'I'm sorry professor.. I just really can't help it.' You choked. 'I told all the other teachers already but I've been too scared to tell you because you wouldn't understand. You'd just tell me to get my act together and stop complaining.' You said.

'Tell me what exactly?' He asked.

'That I have a syndrome.' You said. ' That I'm not completely healthy.'

You looked at the table again. You felt another twitch come up and another noise escaped.

'Well it's quite noticeable that you're not healthy seeing you're doing all that.'

'I have Tourette syndrome. It's a neurological disorder which causes repetitive, stereotyped, involuntary movements and vocalizations called tics. I am learning to control them but it's difficult. Especially when I get nervous.' You said.

You looked back up at him.

'Seeing that you didn't know I was quite nervous in your class. You seemed to be getting super annoyed by it but I couldn't really explain it because I don't know if you'll understand. I really can't help it. There is just something in my brain that causes me to do this.' You said. 'I'm sorry I keep distracting your classes but I can't help it. I really can't.'

Snape looked at you. He now felt kinda bad that he took those points away and that he got angry at you. It did make him feel like quite an idiot that you didn't seem to trust him with him. Thinking he wouldn't understand. He wasn't that cold blooded.

'You can go now.' He just said.

You quickly got up and walked towards the door.

'Oh and Y/N.'

It surprised you that he said your first name. You turned to him.

'I won't be taking those points away, you could've just told me, you know.' He said.

'I know.. I'm sorry.'

'Don't be. Just go.' He said and you swore you saw something rare.. a smile.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now