Harry x reader ~ Ginny

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Requested by: @kailee123d



'Maybe they're just very good friends. She is his best friends sister.'

You stared at Harry who was talking to Ginny. They were both smiling and laughed. It made you feel jealous. It always did.

You had the biggest crush on Harry for like forever but you seemed to be just a friend to him. His eyes were more focused on Ginny. Or at least that's what you thought.

'That makes it even more gross.' You sighed.

You couldnt stay friends with him this way. It was time to get over him. Shouldnt be too hard right? Just moving on. Walking away.. right?

'Have you ever tried asking them about it?'

You looked at Neville and shrugged. You never did but it would be weird.. what would you say "hi Harry, are you by any chance in love with Ginny?" Totally weird.

'Not really. It would make it obvious that I like him.'

You watched Harry give Ginny a hug. You swore you felt your heart break a little there. You sighed in disappointment and turned around. Walking away, getting over it.

Harry approached Neville and watched you walk away. He was a little confused. You promised him to walk to class together. Well, you always walked together. To every class. Always.

'Wheres she going? We were going to class together.'

Neville just shrugged. He wasnt going to tell him for him. He didn't want to do that to you. You trusted him.

'Maybe she forgot.' neville tried.

'Maybe yeah. Well I'll see her in class anyways. I'll ask ginny to walk with me.'

'I wouldnt do that.' neville immediately blurted out.

Harry frowned and looked at him. This was odd. Very odd. Neville never acted that nervous before. Apart from when he was around snape.

'Why not?'

'She's your best friends sister. People think it's kinda weird.' Neville shrugged.

Harry laughed. Everyone always thought that. Him and ginny were just good friends because of Ron. He could never do that to his best friend.

'Its nothing like that. We are just really good friends. I like someone else you know.'

He walked back to Ginny.


You had been ignoring Harry completely to the point where he was starting to get worried. You completely avoided him. You never walked to class with him anymore.

Harry was staring at you in the great hall. You usually always ate with him and his friends and now you were just sitting there alone.

'Just go talk to her.' Hermione sighed.

'I tried she wont even look at me.'

Harry had no idea what he did wrong. He tried and tried but he just couldnt make it work. It frustrated him. He cared a lot about you.

You were done eating and got up. Harry got up too and hurried after you. You were heading to the lake.


You froze in your place for a second before you continued walking. This wasn't going as planned. Not at all. He wasn't supposed to be able to talk to you.

'I know you can hear me.'

Harry started running. He ran passed you and blocked your path. You tried to walk around him but he kept blocking you. You stared at the ground.

'Talk to me. Please.' Harry begged you. 'Its been days. What did I do?'

'Nothing. Just leave me alone.'

Harry grabbed your wrist as you tried to walk away. It made goose bumps spread all through your body. You werent over him yet.

'No. Please. I cant take this. What did I do?'

You didnt say anything and tried to pull your arm out of his grip.

'Y/N!' Harry exclaimed. 'Stop being stubborn. We always walk to class together, we always eat together, we always chat in the common room. What did I do!?'

'I cant be friends with you as long as you're in love with Ginny!' You exclaimed. 'Okay!? I like you. I have a crush on you and I cant be your friend if I have to keep seeing what you and her have. I cant. So leave me alone.'

'I'm not in love with Ginny. Everyone thinks that but I'm not.' Harry sighed.

Harry pulled you into a hug. It took a moment but you hugged him back.

'I'm sorry.' You said.

'Its fine. I like you too.'

You pulled out of the hug and looked at him in shock.

'Wanna go to Hogsmeadr together some time?' He asked.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now