Requested by: @highkeysadgirl
This is based on a love at first sight concept!
You hurried through the corridor, trying to make it to the meeting. Hou couldnt believe you were late. Your first order meeting and you were late.
You opened the door. All eyes were on you right away. You looked around the table. The only people you knew were Molly and Arthur.
Your eyes got stuck on a man. You had never seen him before. He looked at you. Your eyes linked and you looked away.
Remus Lupin. Your eyes send butterflies through his stomach. You amazed him. Swept him off his feet right away.
'Y/N, there you are.' Molly smiled.
Y/N. Your name was beautiful to him. Remus felt hot right away. He started blushing a little.
'I'm so sorry I'm late.'
Molly got up and smiled. Your voice was so harmonizing. Remus had never thought this was about anyone and he didnt even know you.
'Dont worry about it.' She said. 'Everyone, this is Y/N.'
'Hi.' You smiled.
You quickly sat down while the meeting began. You tried to follow everything and bring some input.
After the meeting you were just getting up when Bill walked over to you. You hadnt seen him in awhile.
'What a surprise.' Bill smiled.
'Hey!' You smiled back. 'How are you?'
'I heard about you and Fleur!' You smiled before hugging him. 'Congratulations.'
You let him go again.
'Thank you. Can I congratulate yet?' He asked.
'Unfortunately not.' You sighed. 'Mean btw.' You said while poking him in his side.
He laughed and pushed your hands away. Remus was watching from a distance. All he could hear was you two laughing. He immediately felt.. sad and jealous. Bill hadn't told a lot of people about him and Fleur getting married but Molly told you. Remus didnt even know Bill and Fleur were together.
'That's not very nice either.' Bill said.
'Well I'm not nice. Have you forgotten who I am?' You grinned.
'Of course I havent.' He grinned.
Remus stared at you two. You two were just muttering at each other, fooling around like you always did. Remus just couldnt take it.
'Well I should go. It's getting late.' Bill said. 'I'll see you later.'
'Bye.' You smiled.
Remus watched Bill leave. He didnt want to give up right away. You walked towards the door. While walking towards it you saw Remus looking at you. You passed him a sweet smile.
'Hey.' He said. 'I'm Remus.'
You stopped and looked at him.
'I'm Y/N. Pleasure.'
You shook his hand. Remus had this amazing, charming smile. It was great to look at.
'Are you going to bed? Or would you like a glass of wine?'
You grinned.
'Wine always sounds good.'
Remus walked into the kitchen. You followed him in. He made two glasses of wine and handed you one.
'Cheers.' He said.
You and Remus headed to the living room. You sat down and started talking. It didnt feel awkward at all. There was a click right away. You felt really comfortable.
You spoke all evening. Until it was very late.. the next day you did it again.. and again.. and again. Every night. Just getting to know each other. And every day, every night, you started to fall more for him.
'No, its just that I think you should start telling other people. Dont you want people to know you're getting married?' You asked Bill.
'Soon. Trust me, soon.'
You glanced over Bill's shoulder and saw Remus. You shot red right away. Bill saw that it was him in the mirror behind you.
'Got a thing for Remus, huh?' He smirked.
'What? no.' You said right away.
Remus saw you blush. He thought this was about Bill. That he was making you blush. All these nights of work and you still hadn't fallen for him.
Bill smirked and just walked away. It was now just you and Remus in the room. You looked at him. He pointed at the door.
'Your boyfriend?' he asked.
'Are you insane? He is way too young for me.' You laughed. 'Besides, he had Fleur.'
You walked a little closer to him and smiled.
'You know,' You said while you walked even closer. 'I hardly even know Bill since I moved away.' You said.
You stopped right infront of him. Not too close because you had no idea if this was okay. Remus smiled. He loved it when you were closed to him.
'And no I dont like him.' You said. 'Not romantically.'
'Do you like anyone?' He asked you.
He stepped over closer to you. It made you nervous.
'Perhaps. You?'
He grinned.
You both just stared at each other before Remus pressed his lips against yours. He didnt make it last too long because he was unsure.. but when he saw your smile and red face, he kissed you again..

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)
Fanfictionsame as book 1! A bunch of oneshot from your favourite Harry Potter characters. (No fantastic beasts characters) Make sure you check out book 1! requests are currently closed for catch up but they'll open soon! I'm so glad you guys liked the last p...