Bill Weasley x reader ~ crushes

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You took your drink up the stairs. You were staying over at the burrow and you were holding a girls night with Hermione and Ginny. Althought you were a whole lot older they liked hanging out with you and you liked them too.

You headed towards their room. You stopped when you saw Bill. You didnt know what it was but he was just magical. You were very good friends but you couldnt place why it was different to you.

'Hey Y/N.' He said while passing you.

'Hi.' You just said.

You walked into Ginnys room.

'Hey Y/N!' Ginny smiled.

'Hey girls.' You grinned while closing the door behind you.

You sat down besides Hermione and took a sip from your drink.

'Y/N, we need your help.. but it has to be a secret between us.' Hermione said.

You grinned.

'Sure. What's up?'

'We both have a crush and we thought it's time to share who it is and ask the best way to approach them.' Ginny followed.

'Spill.' You smirked.

Hermione and Ginny looked at each other. Ginny rolled her eyes.

'So I know me and Dean just ended but I've actually always liked someone else.' She said. 'It's... it's...'

'Harry.' You said.

Ginny looked at you with big eyes.

'What? It's obvious you guys have a thing for each other.'

You took sip from your drink.

'You guys? Wait.. you think Harry likes me?' Ginny asked.

'Are you kidding me?' Hermione asked her. 'Of course he does.'

Ginny seemed surprised. You really thought it was obvious.

'How do you know?'

'He is my best friend. I see it when he looks at you.' Hermione smiled.

'I'd say be patient and your time will come to shoot your shot.'

All eyes now shot to Hermione. She seemed nervous.

'Ginny please dont get mad.'

'Dont tell me you like Harry.'

You laughed.

'No! I like.. Ron.' She said.

That was a surprise to you but Ginny judt smiled.

'I know you do. Trust me he doesnt like Lavender as much as he says.'

Hermione shrugged.

'I always feel like he doesnt like me that much.'

'I think he might like you but not realise it.' You said. 'You have to wait for him to realise it before you can become something.'

Hermione nodded in agreement. Suddenly the girls both looked at you. You looked at them.


'Do you have a crush?' Hermione asked.

You put your cup down.

'Not that I know.' You shrugged.

Hermione and Ginny both raised their brows.

'What?' You asked.

'We dont believe you.' Hermione said. 'We've seen you with Bill all holiday. Yesterday you were sitting on the couch and you were just very close and laughing and it just feels different.'

'We have been best friends for ages.' You said. 'We are just like that.'

They seemed sceptical. Could that be the reason your friendship felt different? No way. You didnt believe that.

'You're lying.' Hermione grinned.

'Did you know that Bill asked me the other day: "hypothetically speaking, would it ruin a friendship if you like your friend".' Ginny said.

'He has many friends. Who says that's about me?' You asked.

Ginny raised her brows. You refused to see it. They knew it was true.

'You cant tell me your friendship doesnt feel different.' Hermione said.

You took a moment to think. Were they right?

'Well.. I mean I have always enjoyed talking to him but lately when we talk I never want it to stop.. at the start of a conversation I never know what to say while he is my best friend.. I miss him when I.. oh no.'

Hermione and Ginny both grinned. You were in love with Bill??


Ginny went to talk to Bill behind you back. Asking if he meant you when he asked her for advice. She even told him you like him too. It shocked Bill but he was also really happy. You didnt know she did that.

You were sitting on the couch, reading one of your books. It was a way to distract yourself. Bill entered the room and sat down besides you. You looked up and smiled at him before you continued reading. He laid one of his arms on the back of the couch behind behind you. He pushed your book up to see what you were reading.

You just kept reading, no sure what to see. Too nervous to say anything. Suddenly Bill grabbed your chin and pushed it up before he pressed his lips against yours. You were shocked but kissed him back. He pulled back and smiled at you.


'Ginny.' He just said with a smile. 'Continue reading.' He grinned.

'Hell no.' You said before pulled his face closer and kissing him again.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now