Draco x depressed!american!reader ~ you can't leave me

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Requested by: WriterinFandomWorld

WARNING: this oneshot contains mentions of depression and giving up on life/suicide. If you dont like reading about or if it's a triggering topic for you, please continue to my next oneshot. Thank you!



Exhausted and drained you stepped out of your car. You were done. Officially. You were at the point of breaking.

After the wizarding war you went back home to America. You transferred to Hogwarts. During the war you developed symptoms of depression. They only got worse after the war. That's why you decided to go back to America and go to a regular American college to try and forget about everything that happened.

Your best friend from Hogwarts, Draco, came with you. He made some poor decisions and also wanted to get his mind of things. He was chilling in your house while you went to school.

Draco knew that you hadnt been yourself lately. He really appreciated you. You were one of the only people who took the time to understand why he did what he did. To him you were the most amazing girl he ever met.. he really liked you.

You opened the door to your home and threw your backpack into the floor. You had a terrible headache, you felt tired and really didnt feel like doing anything right now.

'Hi Y/N.' Draco smiled while walking into the hallway.

The sight he saw was worrying to him.

'Hey.' You just said.

'I made some dinner... are you hungry?' He asked.

'Not right now.. maybe later.' You said while walking past him towards your room.

Draco turned around, his eyes following you. You closed the door behind you and laid down in your bed. You stared at the ceiling.

If you were just going to feel like this for the rest of your life.. you didnt understand the point of being here. Your therapy wasnt really working, at school you pretended to be fine while deep inside you were screaming for help. You didnt want to be on earth anymore. You already had a knife on your nightstand

Draco was terribly worried about you. You hadnt eaten dinner with him for awhile now. You ate less in general. You werent really taking care of yourself either. He gathered his courage and knocked on your door. You didnt say anything.. but he entered anyways. You looked at him.

Draco slowly walked over to you and sat down besides you. He ran his hand past your hair and stroke it gently.

'Are you okay?' He asked.

'I'm fine.' You just said.

Draco sighed.

'You're not.. talk to me.'

You looked at him and didnt say anything. Tomorrow you werent going to be here anymore. Your depression has won. It had sucked all your life out of you anyways.

Draco looked at the knife on your nightstand. That wasnt there yesterday. He grabbed it.

'Why is this here?' He asked.

'To cut stuff. Fruit.' You said.

Draco looked around but there was literally no fruit or anything like that in your room.

'You're lying.'

'Just put it down.' You sighed while turning on your side, your back facing him.

Draco looked at the knife and then at you. He saw scars on your wrist before. He knew what you did with this.

'You cant leave me Y/N.' He said.

You just laid there, tears stinging in your eyes. You stayed quiet.

'I'm serious. I'm tired of your hurting yourself. I dont want you to leave. I need you. Please talk to me Y/N.'

Draco put the knife down and he laid down besides you. Pulling you against him in a warm embrace. He felt some of your tears hitting your sleeve.

'Its okay.' He said. 'Please talk to me.'

'What's the point of being here if I'm just going to feel like this my entire life.' You choked.

You wiped your tears away.

'The war has taken its toll on you. I know Y/N.. but I'm here for you. You're pushing me away but I want to help you. I care about you. You're the only one that gives my life some happiness. If you leave I have nothing left.' He said.

You sat up. Draco looked at you and he sat up too.

'You'll find a new best friend.' You said.

'Its not about that. You're not just my best friend..' he said.

You looked at him. Draco cupped your face and wiped your tears away with your thumb.

'What?' You asked.

'I'm.. I'm in love with you. I have been since the war.' He said. 'I dont know if that changes a lot. Probably not. I just hope you can give a chance to show you how good life can be.. because I.. I love you.'

Before he knew it you hugged him and you two fell back onto the bed. He had never felt you holding on to him this tightly. Draco wrapped his arms around you and did the same.

He rubbed small circles over your back. He had no idea how you felt about him but at least he knew you didnt hate him.

'I wont do it..' you mumbled in his chest. 'I promise.'

Draco smiled and held you even tighter.

'Thank you. I mean it. Thank you so much.'

You slowly leaned on your arms and looked at him. He then looked at you as you gave him a small smile for the first time in a good 4 months. Draco smiled back at you.

'You do have to show me though.. I'm sorry i pushed you away. I didnt mean too.. I love you too.'

Draco pulled you back down and pressed his lips against yours.

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