Scorpius x abused!reader ~ I'm with you

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Requested by: AHellaRadFangirl

Warning: this story contains mentions of abuse. This might not be suitable for all readers. If you feel uncomfortable with this subject or hate reading about it I suggest skipping this chapter.

Also there will be a lot of time skips else I cant put everything in this oneshot!



'Well..?' Albus asked you.

Scorpius watched you. He couldn't believe Albus beat him to it. He talked to him about this. Begging him to not do this.

'Sure, I'll go with you.' You smiled.

Albus just asked you to the yule ball. Something scorpius wanted to do. Albus had such an effect on you. Anything he did you did. Scorpius hated it. He was your best friend but he felt so much more towards you.

Scorpius got up and just walked away. You turned your head and watched him leave. You looked back at Albus.

'What's that about?' You asked.

'I don't know.' Albus shrugged.

After spending some time with albus you both decided to leave. While albus was heading back towards his common room, he walked into Scorpius.

'You!' Scorpius hissed.

He grabbed him by the robes and pushing him against the wall.

'Woah Scopius, calm down!' Albus snapped.

'Calm down?! What's wrong with you?!'

Albus was a little confused.

'Wrong with me?! Look at what you're doing! Pushing me into a wall!'

'You know I like Y/N yet you have to go ahead and ask her to the yule ball! Are you bloody serious right now?!'

Albus looked at him and smirked a little. That what was this was about.

'Dont you think that if she liked you she would've said no?' Albus asked.

Scorpius didnt even considered that. Yet as his friend, Albus shouldn't have asked. Scorpius didn't know what to say, he just walked away.

You tried to talk to him but he was ignoring you. Scorpius never did that. It made you feel worried. What did you do wrong? If you could find out you could make it right..

'Scorp..' you said while slowly walking towards him.

He just walked straight past you. Not saying a word. You turned around and walked after him.

'Scorp! Please!' You said while trying to catch up with him, but you couldnt.

You felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned around and saw Albus.

'Let it go Y/N..'

'I just don't understand..'


It was the night of the yule ball. You were wearing your most beautiful dress. This could be the night you and Albus might come together.

You were still worried about Scorpius but that wasnt going to ruin your night. You walked into the great hall.

Scorpius watched you enter. In his eyes you looked absolutely amazing. He couldn't keep his eyes of you. You walked straight past him to Albus.

Scorpius eyes followed you all night. He didnt even ask anyone himself. He just.. he wanted you. He wanted to dance with you, he wanted to give you such a good night.. but you were there with him.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now