Hermione x fem!depressed!reader ~ please

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Requested by: @Dark_Harry_Pottah

This story contains sensitive topics like: bullying, attempted suicide, depression, self harm and mentions of abuse. If this is a triggering subject for you or if you're uncomfortable reading it, please skip to the next oneshot.

Stay safe and know you're worth it, my dm is always open. Although I'm not a profession. if you really need help, please contact the help that's offered in your country. I love you <3

Your name is Y/N Potter, you're Harry's twin.


You stared at the ground below you. Your hands were holding onto the railing. You had tears in your eyes. It was time for you to go. You couldnt do it anymore.

You were Harry's sister. You were one of the main targets of Voldemort. He was constantly screwing with your head.

This was combined with abuse from your aunt and uncle which you were still suffering from. It wasn't physical but they treated you even worse than Harry because you reminded them of Lily. It was constant mental and emotional abuse.

Because Harry was the more famous sibling, you also got bullied. The bullies said the same as your aunt and uncle. You were unworthy of your title and house. You werent good enough. No one would ever want to be near a girl like you. You were ugly and disgusting.

The only person you had left was your best friend Hermione. But you had a crush on her which was again a new factor that could get hated for. The fact that you were Y/Se (Your Sexuality)

You felt miserable every day. You missed classes because you could get out of bed. Some days you couldnt eat and sleep was out of the picture. You constantly felt stressed and anxious. It had taken over your entire life.

You first started to relief the pain with self harm. Cutting small lines in your wrist, never daring to cut too deep because you wanted to try to go on anymore.

Tonight was the night that you were going to end it. You left a note on your bed for Hermione to find in the morning.

What you didnt know was that you leaving, woke up Hermione. She had already found your note. She was running through Hogwarts, crying. Rushing to the astronomy tower, begging that she wasnt too late.

You swung your leg over the railing and put it down on the small edge behind it. Your next leg quickly followed. You held onto the railing behind you.

Your heart was racing. You took a few deep breaths. You were going to do it. It would be like flying..

'No! No Y/N!'

Hermioke startled you. You froze into place and just stood there, staring at the ground beneath you.

'No! please! Please step away from the edge! Climb back. Please.' Hermione cried.

Her desperate voice, brought tears to your eyes.

'You werent supposed to be here. I dont want you to see this.' You spoke with a shivering breath.

'Please I read your note. I know what you're going through. I always try to help you. I didnt know it was this bad. I didnt know you self harmed. I didnt know you were thinking about dying. If I wouldve known I would've tried better to help you.'

'Its not your fault. You're the only one who's kind to me.'

'I read what you said about being Y/Se. I read it. I read what you wrote about me. About us.'

Tears made their way into your eyes. You looked over your shoulder. Hermione saw so much pain and sadness in your beautiful eyes. She saw the cuts on your exposed wrist. She hated to see you like this.

'I love you Y/N. I do. I am gay myself.' Hermione choked. 'I am gay. And I am in love with you. Please Y/N. You are loved. Let me show you how beautiful life can be. Please give me a chance.' She begged you. 'Please! Please!' She sobbed.

You also started crying as you let your head hang down. Hermione ran towards you and helped you climb back into the tower. She held you tightly against her right away as you both cried in each other arms.

'Its okay. You're okay. I promise, no one will ever hurt you again.' Hermione sniffed.

She pulled your chin up and pressed her lips against yours.

'I promise.'

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now