Blaise x reader (Highschool AU) ~ party

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Requested by: uwumalfoy

So this is what I made of it. I hope you like it! This is an highschool AU so basically there is no magic and they're in Hogwarts.

Your name is Y/N Potter and you're Harry's younger sister.



You smiled while walking through the corridor of your school. It was another bright day. You were heading towards Harry. A friend of one of the more popular guys, Blaise, told you that you and Harry were invited to Blaises party.

'Hey harry.'

Harry closed his locker and looked at you.

'Oh hi.' He smiled.

'So we got invited to Blaises party.' You said right away.

Harry looked at you.

'We're not going.'

Harry didn't want you to hang out with Blaise. He always warned you for him. You never even spoke to him. It did make you curious to know what was wrong with talking to him.

Harry didn't trust Blaise. He was a topical popular guy. There were a lot of rumours about him and his reputation. He didn't want you to get into that.

'Harry, everyone is going! So am I too. You can't make me stay at home.'

'I can. You can't go out to parties without me.'

'You're not going?'

You saw Hermione and Ron. They were definitely going to the party. Half the school was invited and everyone was definitely coming.

'I'm not planning to.' Harry sighed.

'Why not?' Ron asked. 'His parties are epic.'

'Because he's a twat.' Harry sighed.

'Harry thinks Blaise will try to use me.'

They looked at you and then at Harry. You could see that they thought that it was a crapy reason.

'Dude, seriously?' Ron asked.

'You know that rumours that are going around. I can't let Y/N close to him. You never know what'll happen.'

Blaise and Harry used to be close. He used to come over all the time. It was fun to have some company around the house. It sucked that your aunt and uncle thought that he was a better child than you two were but it was fun to see a different face.

You and Blaise used to talk when ever harry was gone for a moment. In their second year of highschool they drifted apart. You hardly saw him and Harry refused to let you meet with him. You missed him.

'He used to be your best friend. Don't be like this. I'm going. Hermione will take me.'

'With pleasure.' Hermione smiled.

'No!' Harry hissed.

'Yes!' You snapped.

'We'll get you a nice outfit.' Hermione smiled.

'Fine! Fine we're going.. but I'm keeping my eye on you.' Harry hissed before walking away.


You stepped into Blaises house. It was packed with people. They were talking, some were drinking. Harry and blaise were in their last years at highschool and you were a year below them.

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now