Oliver x reader ~ tension

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Requested by: Aoife802

There was no house specified so I decided to go for ravenclaw, I hope that's okay!

So I dont write smut (I explained this in book 1) but I wrote something leading up to it so yeah enjoy.


You left the Ravenclaw dressing room with a massive smirk on your face. You just beat gryffindor in a quidditch match. You were a chaser and the ravenclaw team captain. You and Oliver had this enemy thing going on with him while you two only found each other very attractive.

Of course you didnt know that. Rivals you were. Rivals didnt find each other attractive. It had been going on ever since you became team captain.

You shut the door and made sure to lock it. Your teammates had already left. You turned your head and saw Oliver do the same.

'It looks like ravenclaw is going to win the quidditch cup this year.' You smirked while leaning against the wall.

Oliver looked at you. Tis gorgeous eye looked straight into yours. You walked over to him.

'We have more games to go, this isnt the only one. We even get to play against you again.'

'Dont expect a different outcome. You've been playing at the same level for weeks. We've been improving nine stop. We'll beat you again, trust me.'

'I'm sorry, improving? You've been using the same strategy for weeks. Only now you decided to update it and win for the first time in weeks. Dont get too smug.' Oliver hissed.

He let the key of the dressing room go and turned to you. You weren't even that far apart.

'I dont get smug. We will beat you all. You and your mediocre team.' You snorted. 'You gotta step up your game Oliver.'

'Step up my game?! I wont let a newbie talk to me like that. You know nothing about running a team!'

'Newbie?! I've been a captain for 2 years now, I'm not a newbie!' You hissed.

Both your hearts were beating fast with a rush of adrenaline your anger gave you combined with the tension between you two. You both loved the rush and sensation it gave you. There was nothing like this sensation.

'Two years. Dont make me laugh. You'll never catch up with me! My level of experience will defeat your team in the end.'

'Why wait until end, why didnt you do it now?! Huh, big shot!' You snapped while pushing him back.

You and Oliver just looked at each other while breathing heavily. Oliver pulled the key out of the door of the gryffindor dressing room. It was as if you both did it at the same time. You both somehow at the same time kissed each other.

The kiss was heated. You didnt know what it was leading to. Oliver opened the door and took you two inside. You used your foot the close the door behind you and he slammed you back against it. You pulled back and gasped in surprise. Oliver wanted to say something.

'Just shut up.' You hissed before kissing him again. You closed your eyes while you felt his tongue slipping inside your mouth. You battled for dominance for a moment before Oliver pulled back and attacked your neck.

You felt his lips trying to kiss every inch of your neck, leaving a few lovebites. When he was done you did the same to him while opened his robes. They fell to the ground. You pulled away from his neck, opened your robes and pulled you shirt over your head..


You tried to fix your hair a little while Oliver closed his robes. He then stared at you. You turned to him.

'Well I guess that tension really had to be cleared.' You grinned.

'I guess so.' Oliver smiled.

You looked at the door. You didnt know what to say. This all meant quite a lot to you. You really liked him but you didnt know how he felt about it. Maybe you just had to go.

'I guess I'm just.. going.' You said.

You headed towards the door.


You turned around while holding the doorknob.

'I just dont want you to think that this meant nothing to me. Because it did.. and I dont know what this means to you, but.. I just want you to know that.'

You smiled and walked over to him for a moment.

'You're not the only one.' You smiled before kissing him shortly.

You let him go.

'I'll see you later.' You walked towards the door. Oliver walked after you.

He got out right after you left and closed the door to lock it.

'You and Y/N finally got rid of that tension between you two, huh?'

Oliver looked up. He saw Fred and George. They saw the kickeys on both your and his neck. The link was quickly made.

'Just stop.' Oliver sighed.

'Oh no. Never, we are going to keep this up. You and Y/N.' Fred smirked.

Oliver sighed but smiled a little.

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