Harry x baby!sister!reader ~ speak | part 2

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Reqeusted by: Olivia_FanFiction and savannahpotterhead14

So I basically combined your ideas into a smaller part 2. I hope you guys think that's okay!



'Harry you can't do this.' Hermione said. 'You've never taken her to Potions before. It's dangerous!'

Harry was carrying you with him. You liked to grab stuff seeing you were rather curious so he never trusted you during potions. Usually someone would watch you but no one had the time now.

'I don't have another choice Hermione.'

They walked into the classroom and sat down. You noticed Draco at the front and made a happy noise when you saw him. Draco turned around and saw you.

'You better stay here. Don't go to Draco.' He said. 'I can't have you running around.'

'And what might that be?'

He looked up. Snape was looking at you. You grabbed his robe and started playing with it. Harry quickly grabbed your arm and made you stop.

'This is my little sister. Usually I wouldn't being her but you see.. theres no one there to watch her.. and he's walking away.'

Harry sighed. The lesson started. You were very bored and made sure everyone knew that. You were constantly moving and making noise. Snape was highly annoyed.

'Hawwy!' You squeaked when he tried to get you to sit down.

'Mister potter, take that child out of here.'

'She's just bored sir, wait I'll just put her down on the floor.'

That didn't really work. You got up and started walking through the classroom. Everyone thought you were so cute that you were distracting them.

You stopped at Dracos table.


Draco looked at you. He smiled.

'Did you just say my name?' He asked.

He picked you up and sat you down on his lap.

'Sshh.' He said.

You listened to him and stayed quiet while draco allowed you to play with his parchment and quill.

'Dwaco!' You then suddenly yelled out while allowing yourself to fall back against his chest.

Draco grinned. Harry ran over to you, took you away from Draco and hurried out of the classroom.

'Dwaco!' You whined.

'No!' Harry sighed. 'You can't just be like this! I asked you be quiet!'

Wow was he yelling at you? You didn't like that.

'Hawwy..' you said.

'No. No don't. You're going to go to my room and you're staying there for the rest of the day. No more playing, no more whining! God you're impossible.'

Him yelling made you sad and all you could do to show him that was crying. You just began to cry. It was heard in the classroom as well. Draco felt kind off bad for you. He got up and walked towards the corridor.

Harry was desperately trying to calm you down.

'You're incapable of taking care of her.' Draco sighed while taking you away from him.

'Hi.. is he being mean to you?' Draco asked.

You just nodded. He used his free hand to wipe your tears away and held you against him while he calmed you down.

'She's young. She can't just understand everything.' Draco said to Harry.

'How are you so good with children? You're an ass.'

'To you maybe. I'm not really an ass. I've always wanted to have a brother or a sister.' Draco said.

You finally stopped crying. You looked at Harry and leaned over to him. Harry grabbed you and hugged you.

'I'm sorry.' Harry said. 'I love you.'

You hugged him back.

'If you ever need help you know where to find me.' Draco said.

'Why are you offering me help?' Harry asked.

'It looks like you need it. With that cheeky girl.'

Draco walked back into the classroom..

Harry Potter characters x reader | book 2 (requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now